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The HEROIN WAR – death toll thousands of times greater for U.S. civilians than soldiers in Afghanistan, thanks to the opium-based prescription drug "invasion"

When psychotic political figures run the "show," psychotic things happen to American citizens. Do we even need to speak the insidious names again of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney in order to make this point? Let's take a moment to review the extreme fallout that's still destroying Americans on our home turf, all while we fight a futile war started on false pretenses in a land where no invading forces have ever won, and where the most dangerous drug on earth is being harvested (and exported to the USA) at exponentially higher rates than before we "invaded."

As of this past July, 2018, there have been over 2,300 U.S. military deaths in the War in Afghanistan, and over 20,000 American service members have been wounded in action. Yet, according to federal statistics, here at home, opioid prescription drugs (yes, medications made from heroin) have killed over 33,000 Americans every year since 2015. That means more American civilians are dying every year from taking prescription drugs than all military deaths combined during the 17-year war that's still raging.

Are we really fighting to "defeat" terrorism, or is it all smoke and mirrors while Big Pharma imports cheap heroin to enslave more Americans using "smack" for painkillers?

The U.S. has spent over a trillion dollars to create, not destroy, the world's premiere narco-state

Sure, heroin (and cocaine) are imported to the United States from parts of the world other than Afghanistan, including China and South America, but since we invaded Afghanistan, the poppy fields are flourishing, and the drug trade has taken off like a rocket ship, and unsuspecting Americans are getting "higher and higher," only to find themselves addicted to the most lethal drug on the planet. Is there any end in sight to this insanity? We're fighting a war FOR drugs, not a war against drugs.

Did you know the War in Afghanistan is the longest war in U.S. history? We now stand at the brink of defeat. Make no mistake, we are not nation-building or installing democracy there. We are stealing resources, while the coward terrorists hide in elusive caves while brandishing laptop computers, improvised explosive devices (IED's) and shoulder rockets.

It is clearly not a winnable war, and every politician knows it, but the problem is still the same – most politicians are knee-deep investing in Pharma while they make millions (if not billions like chief war-makers Cheney and Rumfeld did) off the Military-Industrial-War-Complex. Those little pink flowers (opium poppy) are now the nemesis of America "saving" the rest of the world, because they're killing us off by the tens of thousands every year, while we take our lethal medications "just as the doctor prescribed."

Heroin drug trafficking by the thousands of tonnes, all under the guise of a "War on Terror"

The terror we're fighting is actually highly addictive painkillers, not some rogue freaks blowing themselves up in public places in the name of their "religion." Big Pharma is the bad religion here folks. There's your "fight." There's your "insurgency." After the U.S. invaded Afghanistan in October of 2001, the opium production there surged from 180 tonnes to more than 3,000 tonnes the next year. Five years after that it had skyrocketed to 8,000 tonnes a year. Still think we're doing any good over there?

How do you think the Taliban continually fund their own war against us? Every spring, their opium harvest funds the pockets of their guerrilla fighters and pays for more weapons to kill our military, all while they export heroin. Drug dealing dominates the economy there, and our politicians continue to vote for more war, more war.

What we're really funding, indirectly, are the heroin laboratories that manufacture painkillers for Americans who consume junk food and GMO's daily, wondering why their bodies ache continuously, their arthritis flairs up, their cancer tumors come back, and the chemotherapy fails religiously.
Heroin is on the upswing. 

Opioid addiction "survived" the U.S. government crackdown on OxyContin. Fatal overdoses have quadrupled over the past 5 years, with the help of drugs like Fentanyl, which is 50 times stronger than heroin itself. Go figure. 

Folks, if you're experiencing chronic pain, first try cleaning up your food and medicine by switching over to organic, then visit a Naturopathic Physician and a Chiropractor. You'll be blown away by the amazing transformation your body will make, with no side effects or "accidental" overdoses. Tune into for updates on the real "War on drugs."

Sources for this article include:


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