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What’s your Health Crutch: sugar, caffeine, or nicotine?

When it comes to sugar, caffeine and nicotine, most Americans over-indulge in at least one of the three, if not two, or even all three. Let’s start with those “nic-fits.” One in every four Americans uses nicotine daily, the third-most-addictive drug on Earth, close behind heroin (think prescription opiates) and cocaine (think crack).

There are 35 million smokers and 15 million people who vape in America, including millions of teenagers. The nicotine constricts their blood vessels over time (called vasoconstriction), limiting oxygen and nutrient flow in the blood. Plus nicotine crushes your immune system function.

Do you smoke, vape, hookah, dip or chew? There are no “safe substances” in those products. Got anxiety, poor vision and persistent coughing? Might be time to kick nicotine. If that’s you, that is a huge health “crutch” to be limping around on each day. The long-term health toll is very steep. There’s a natural way to take breaks, maybe for good. Keep reading.

Mass sugar consumption breeds weight gain, diabetes, cancer and depression

Let’s talk sugar, like the kind in baked goods, sodas and fast food. The facts are clear. One in every three Americans is overweight, and half of those folks are obese. Obesity also drives up rates of cancer and diabetes. It’s all linked. In a study done with nearly half-a-million people, researchers discovered that added sugar consumption increases risk of cancer of the small intestine. That is a scary surgery to undergo. Ready to cut back?

Another study with women and their sweet-tooth indulgence (cookies and sweet rolls daily) increased risk of endometrial cancer by more than 140 percent. Who wants to invite that kind of horror? It’s time to cut back.

Top all that off with science that shows added sugars in processed foods (think GMO high fructose corn syrup in cakes and soda) increase chances of developing depression by deregulating neurotransmitters and triggering inflammation. Anybody else hear that high-pitch ringing in their ears right now?

In America, if you run to the MD for your inflammation from toxic food problem, they will write you a prescription or two to crush the symptoms. That’s about the dumbest thing you can do, though. Put it this way, if your “check engine” light in your automobile comes on, do you have the mechanic cut the wire to the bulb and think you fixed the engine? Don’t be allopathic-pathetic stupid. Eat organic fruit for natural sugar. Avoid artificial sweeteners and all things processed.

America has gone ape with high doses of caffeine, as if it’s normal

Did you know there’s actually a highly-caffeinated drink called “cocaine” energy drink? Yes, it’s legal, and it’s three times stronger than Red Bull, with over 30 milligrams of caffeine per fluid ounce. Wow.

Then there’s nifty names for other little trademarked liquid “speed balls,” namely speed shots, spike shooters, red lines, bang and wired, to name a few. Seems trendy and all, but gulping down too much caffeine leads to increased heart rate, upset stomach, irritability and nervousness. Are you caffeine dependent just to function through the day? At what amount do you go from safe to sorry? If you’re blasting past around 400 milligrams, you should probably cut back, fast.

However, look on the caffeine bright side (or the ‘cup half full’ side – pun intended). Limiting caffeine intake to about 200 milligrams a day can boost long-term memory plus reduce the risk of cancer, dementia, heart attacks, diabetes and strokes.

Kick the nicotine crutch and quell cravings naturally with a superfood that comes in an all-natural liquid “shot”

Half of all nicotine addicts in the world (over half a billion) wish they could quit. They’ve tried, and they’ve tried. They’ve used patches, pills and gum. Some have been hypnotized. Some quit cold turkey. Most of them return to smoking within 6 months of “quitting”  (usually until stress hits hard), unless they switch to vaping. More than 60 percent of smokers who switch to vaping never return to cancer sticks again. Go figure.

The FDA will say you’re worse off vaping than smoking, but that’s because their best buddy investors are Big Tobacco big wigs. Vaping cuts out the chemical pesticides, the formaldehyde, the bleached paper, the ammonia, but it usually keeps in the nicotine. Still how can you quit if you can’t beat back the cravings?

It starts with hormones and the central nervous system. Nicotine is a mood-altering drug that reaches your heart and brain in 3 seconds, but that energetic bump won’t last long, and when it recedes, in comes a dark tide of tired. That’s when you start craving more and say, I “need” to smoke a cigarette or to go vape.

Cognitive functioning becomes impaired from nicotine withdrawal. You become irritated, anxious, and then come the headaches, along with sleeping difficulties. No medical doctor or oncologist can recommend natural remedies, even ones that are proven by science that’s peer reviewed. The American Medical Association can’t patent natural remedies or exploit them through pharma, so they’re just not mainstream.

Use your brain now, and put one hand against the wall, and you can walk yourself right out of the “labyrinth,” the maze of nicotine addiction. There’s a brand new supplement beverage invention called Krave Kicker that combines mucuna, a natural dopamine booster, and vitamin B-12 to help balance your central nervous system, and so it kicks nicotine cravings naturally. Remember to tune your internet dial to and learn ways to boost your immunity during this COVID-19 lock-down. Best of health to you.

Sources for this article include:


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