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Krave Kicker Quit Smoking Method wins two Gold Medals at 2022 Proof Awards!


Krave Kicker is the World's Cleanest Quit Method for those who Smoke Cigarettes or Vape Nicotine

Krave Kicker pomegranate flavor WON the GOLD PR%F medal in the Double Blind Tasting Competition (Masked) on Day One, and Krave Kicker also WON the GOLD PR%F medal for Total Package Design Distinction (Unmasked) competition on Day Two.

We know taste is important to you when you drink functional beverages, so Krave Kicker not only kicks your cravings for nicotine for 3 to 4 hours, it’s made with organic juices, natural superfoods, and the highest quality bioavailable supplements.


Gold-medal winning Krave Kicker has been featured on Bevnet as a leading quit smoking method and standing alone it’s brand class, and in the nicotine alternative space, quickly capturing those market customers and disrupting the nicotine replacement scams that keep people addicted to nicotine, like the nic patch and the nic gums. There’s a smarter, clean choice now called Krave Kicker.


Krave Kicker is proven effective and is backed by clinical studies of its key functional ingredients, as published in the British Medical Journal and by National Institutes of Health.

With functional beverages on the rise at a steady growth rate of about 15% per year, and an increasing demand for cleaner products, Krave Kicker looks to disrupt two massive, thriving markets. In fact, the nicotine patch market is currently worth $6 billion, and the nicotine gum $5 billion. These ‘loyal’ consumers would love a cleaner product (clean and organic) that boosts dopamine naturally and zeroes out cravings for hours.


World’s BEST nicotine alternative Krave Kicker – organic liquid shot provides natural dopamine boost

Well, ’tis the season to … QUIT NICOTINE. From stocking stuffers to New Year’s resolutions, people and their cohort smokers want to quit, know it’s time to quit, have tried quitting before, but are ready for something DIFFERENT that works.

Welcome to the World of Krave Kicker, a commercial organic formula that combines superfoods and supplements to quash nicotine cravings for hours, allowing that all crucial physical addiction break from nicotine that comes after 3 to 4 days of cold turkey. After that, it’s all just simple behavior modifications. Who knew?

The ultimate and natural nicotine alternative has launched commercially in America.

First, there was 5-hour Energy, the ultimate B vitamin boost that the world needed so bad, and it came in little tasty liquid “shots.” Boom!


Now, there’s Krave Kicker, the ultimate dopamine boost that the world of smokers and vape enthusiasts need so bad, and it comes in a tasty little 2.5 ounce liquid shot that’s organic, nicotine-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, and tastes great!

Wow. No aftertaste. No mouth burn. No nausea. No indigestion. No addiction. No crash. No hangover. Nothing artificial. No GMOs. No preservatives (those are usually bad for your cells).

Clean. Effective. A natural remedy for the cigarette hangover from the “Cigarette Killer” himself. Enjoy a 12-pack of pomegranate or a 12-pack of lemon-lime flavor Krave Kicker, available online only at

Read about the innovative world of functional beverages now infiltrating the nicotine alternative world, so smokers can know about the benefits of a natural way to boost dopamine while balancing the central nervous system. It’s truly revolutionary!

Sources for this press release include:



Tags:best quit methodgold medalhigh qualitykick cravingskrave kickernatural methodnew year resolutionquit smokingquit vapingstop smokingstop vapingEditKrave Kicker Quit Smoking Method wins two Gold Medals at 2022 Proof Awards!


Published by Krave Kicker

I'm just an entrepreneur who's done a ton of research on natural remedies and indigenous cures for everything under the Sun. Check out my cancer prevention books on Amazon under Sean David Cohen. Seeking only truth, I prevail. View more posts






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