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Destroying pathogenic e-coli with probiotics – A recent German study


Three fourths of all pharmaceutical antibiotics go into farm animal feed, and for several reasons. Increasing “meat market value” is one of those reasons. Another would be to fight back different strains of dangerous e-coli and the infections that “breed” themselves in the unkempt, overcrowded, festering quarters of confinement. This is like administering antibiotics to a large filthy prison of infected cons – like some horror movie with zombies, except were talking about animals people consume afterwards, after their “sentence” at the CAFO institution.


Confined animal feeding operations are one of the main reasons for the overload of “medication food” and now excellent research has come to light about probiotics and how they may be winning a battle against MRSA. Natural News is reporting the following: Pharmaceutical antibiotics destroy probiotic bacteria, leading to the debilitation of the entire immune system permanently if the intestinal flora is not replenished by intense probiotic dosing with supplements or fermented foods and beverages.”

There’s more: “Because of their chemical nature, pharmaceutical antibiotics often create mild to serious neurological problems …”’ (they are the chemo of bacteria).




You see, even when antibiotics do beat back infection, they leave collateral damage behind. Antibiotics and chemo have one major thing in common, they kill your good bacteria, your gut flora, and that is 80% of your health and immunity floored right there. What good health is there to “expect” when you do that. But still, doctors talk their patients into it, because that’s what it really is …. Coaxing. Now research shows that probiotics can win the battle better than any big pharma drug because when probiotics win the battle there’s no collateral damage, in fact, there is healing, true healing. Makes total sense, but will the majority of Western Medicine doctors now admit they are wrong, have been wrong, and change their “advice” to this research? Probably not, but lets be positive and hopeful. As the health enthusiasts of this world share this information, it gets more popular and becomes the norm. We can make that difference if we share alternative health news on line.




As the infections on these farms get worse, meaning stronger and antibiotic-resistant, the farmers give the animals MORE antibiotics, and there is a point of diminishing returns, and this research gives rise to the fact that we’re past that point. People who consume animals - whether turkey, pig, cow or chicken, should be very concerned about taking in antibiotics by eating this kind of meat, and then possibly becoming antibiotic-resistant themselves.


Can you imagine the lives of the people who work in these meat “factories” and these disease festering CAFOs? Then think of the animals and their babies. Then think of the butchers at butcher shops. Then think of the humans who eat that meat. Could eating depressed animals cause depression? These animals live their whole (short) lives in misery, overweight, over producing, with digestive infections. No wonder other countries ban antibiotics use on factory farms! Stop eating fast food CAFO meat if you haven’t already. Stop supporting the “system.” Don’t give them another dime!


EU has banned antibiotics for fattening up livestock since 2006


Get more information on Prebiotics, Probiotics and Zinc:



Highlights of Probiotics - Cancer Research:


• New research shows that a substance generated by intestinal stem cells allows subjects to survive an otherwise fatal dose of toxic chemotherapy.

• Healthy gene expression of intestinal cells allows them to naturally produce protective molecules that support and boost cell regeneration.

• Probiotics may protect and support the intestinal stem cells that help cancer patients survive toxic chemotherapy. (More studies needed to explore this and document the impact.)

Antibiotics may be a death sentence when followed by chemotherapy.

Learn more:




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