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Showing posts from February 17, 2013

Natural News makes you question just “how much” you know about Omega-3’s and toxic, dead foods

  February 2013; Jonathan Landsman reports for Natural News:“The single most important nutrient for mental health” This is what you want to know about Omega-3's for mental stability, balance and health!   How are you being deprived right now? You need a master plan and you need it now.   Zero in on this topic and let it permeate through your daily life. Change every choice of food that you can to organic, and everything you put on your skin, and everything you use to clean your home. Filter out all the chemicals and surround yourself with bio-friendly, body-friendly, and BRAIN FRIENDLY nutrition.   Start by filtering as many toxins as humanly possible out of YOUR life’s “good health formula:”   Filter out toxins first! Get these TOP KILLERS out of your life:   TOXIC, S...

Get out of the zombified existence – get ahold of your life with Natural News today!

America is turning into a zombie land – food, medicine, politics, water – everything is poisoned and fixed, leading millions of innocent citizens to an uncertain future. This gets even more aggravated with the role the media is playing. You can no longer trust the media to show you the right direction – news is rigged! In such a situation who can you trust? None but Natural News can come to your rescue with their meticulous and sincere reporting, led by Mike Adams , the editor. This is the only way in which you can save yourself from becoming a zombie. Want to know how the zombie existence is taking over our lives? Take a look at this: This is a possible outcome of watching news on TV while consuming microwaveable dinners and drinking soda. Here’s something more to ponder: The more you feed your children fast food, the quicker you invite cancer to your doorstep....

Natural News: Just 10 steps and 100 years later and the U.S. has “accomplished” the most expensive healthcare and earliest death rates!

    We did it! 100 years of hard work making 80% of all food and medicine toxic in the United States worked! We are now the country/nation that spends the most on Healthcare and dies the soonest. Mission accomplished. Kudos to the FDA, the CDC, the AMA, and the Biotech Industry; you shall now enjoy a lifetime (or more) of bad karma and guilt.   “If you think pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, and various other instruments of modern Western medicine are responsible for improving quality of life and increasing the average lifespan in America , think again.”   The process of becoming the most useless and costly healthcare industry in the world was not very difficult either, it just took some time. Here are the 10 basic steps taken by the U.S. Government and regulatory agencies to do it:   1.      Create the AMA, the American...

New health concern: vaccines causing Antiphospholipid Syndrome

    Vaccines have always been regarded as an effective weapon in the war against deadly diseases. As a result, a large number of people all over the world have undergone several vaccination programs in the last few decades. Whether those vaccines can be held responsible for the improvement of public health is a topic of controversy, but the negative sides of vaccines are gradually becoming clear. Natural News reports that HPV and tetanus are supposed to cause a relatively new autoimmune disease called Antiphospholipid Syndrome or APS.   One modern vaccine production method involves the use of Outer Membrane Vesicles or OMVs as vaccine adjuvant. OMV is a pathogenic bacterium that imitates the phospholipids that occur naturally in the human body. Vaccines that use this technology are now said to be causing APS. These vaccines include the ones for tetanus, influenza and HPV. A number of studies have been able to relate these vaccines directly to the cau...