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Showing posts from April 24, 2016

Why high-potency, isolated supplements can be MUCH BETTER for your needs - Health Ranger explains!

  Vitamin C, ascorbic acid and food-based nutrients: Many of these supporting molecules are not as potent as the target molecule you're looking for (such as curcuminoids in turmeric), yet they compete for absorption in your body's cells , effectively reducing the concentration and potency of the isolated nutrient you're interested in. Turmeric, for example, contains curcuminoids but also hundreds of other nutrients. When eaten as a whole food, all those various nutrients (molecules) compete with the potency and concentration of curcuminoids in your blood. In this way they provide a wide-ranging array of nutrients with less potency of each nutrient . Think of a wide-angle flashlight that's shining a very wide beam into a forest. It's lighting up the trees, but the amount of light on any given tree is quite dim. However, if you extract, isolate or build these nutrients using fermentation, enzymatic reactions of other means, you get a single nutrient that...

Dr. Henry Cotton was a madman, just like Fata and Gorski today - a truthwiki definition of the most insane surgeons

  Similar to the way Hitler and the Nazi scientists tortured Jews later on in WWII, the insane doctor put his crazy theories to work on U.S. soil during WWI. His mental patients were at his complete disposal and Western medicine’s pharma complex was just getting underway. Ethical and moral concern were out the window and there were no recorded attempts to gain informed consent. Dr. Cotton’s “captive audience” had no legal recourse at all. Then, Cotton simply lied and bragged of success to the press. His alarmingly high death rate from colon operations was easily explained away as Cotton not being “thorough” enough and having missed “pockets of infection.” This is very similar to cancer surgery today, where oncologists explain that “some of the cancer got away” while under the knife (ie: lymphatic cancer). Cancer surgery is rather archaic today, in that sense, that modern medicine wants to “cut out” cancer of the blood and cells. It’s a wonder Cotton wasn’t into bloodletting f...

Use a SAUNA regularly to QUIT CIGARETTES naturally!

Sweating is a form of detoxification and there may be no better place than the sauna! There’s not many an excuse for not frequenting a sauna, because they are usually found close to home and/or work: at gyms, YMCAs, country clubs, fitness centers, spas and even homes have them, so they’re not too hard to find. Let’s get right to the research.   Saunas can offer symptom relief for Fibromyalgia, according to the Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine at Japan ’s Kagoshima University . Just three days a week 44 women had daily sauna sessions and a little water exercise and they improved their “quality of life” and their fibro symptoms. Saunas support your heart (as opposed to the myth that they stress your heart).   Quebec‘s University of Montreal–Cardiovascular and Prevention Centre found that exercise and sauna provided 24 hours of improvements of symptoms for hypertension.   Plus, a New Zealand study found distance runners who used sa...