Conventional food is going from bad to worse and fast. Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, heavy metal toxins, food colorings, aspartame, sucralose, it's all poison. You can live healthy or suffer from all the preventable diseases while taking prescription medicine to kill the pain while you suffer more. Western Medicine is a huge Ponzi scheme set up for morons. MDs and Oncologists are in it for the money and could care less about you, or they'd quit pushing chemicals for hundreds of thousands of dollars income per year. Dentists know fluoride causes cancer. They're all lying "through their teeth." (pun intended) Stop drinking tap water Stop eating GMOs Stop believing chemo can save you Stop watching CNN All newspapers lie, lie, lie Get with the organic program, workout like crazy and eat superfoods so your brain can function again at full capacity. Be individual. Think for yourself. Use good judgment. Get ready because only the organic w...
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