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Showing posts from October 27, 2013

Obamacare is supposed to be low-budget care, but for many, it’s like another mortgage

  According to Natural News , the President promised that rates under Obamacare would be "as low as a phone bill"; after all, it is named the "Affordable Care Act." As the letter by Steve Deraleau reveals, the cost for one couple's policy under Humana is increasing from $212.10 per month to $1,356.60 per month. This is for a couple in good health whose combined income is less than $70K -- a middle-class family, in other words. $1,356.60 per month is not "affordable" health care. It is monopolistic price gouging mandated by the Obama administration and enforced essentially at gunpoint. This increased rate policy is not "under" , but the 539% rate increase is being caused by Obamacare's new rules and requirements. If Obamacare hadn't become law, this couple could have continued spending $212 per month. Instead, they're now going to have to spend $1,356 per month or sign up for Obamacare and hope to get a... CRASHES DURING TESTIMONY by HHS to Congress that it’s fine, just running “slow” and unreliable crashed in 18 states or more before the lying witch lied to congress about the functionality, the statistics and the PRIOR KNOWLEDGE about the huge failure that was in the making, for quite some time, and costing hundreds of MILLIONS for taxpayers who can’t even get someone on the phone, much less secure healthcare on line. Kathleen Sebelius and Senator Dianne Feinstein must hang out together a lot, because they are both talking heads for the evil empire, and they should be dressed up like some emperor from Flash Gordon or something, so everyone would know what they’re really about. If Sebelius could just talk smoother, like Obama, maybe everybody would believe her sack full of horse poop, but as it stands, while she lies through her teeth about the healthcare.gullible site being slow and unreliable, she commits perjury to Congress like it’s just some conversation in the break room at work. Meanwhile, the site is riddled with code that does...

Police Surveillance State of America deepens, all cars to be tracked with built in BLACK BOXES “for your safety”

    So imagine it’s the year 2016 and you’re driving down the road in your practically new car, and you get pulled over by the police, even though you weren’t speeding or violating any traffic laws, and your tags, title, registration and insurance are all up to date. You can’t figure out why you’re being pulled over, so you ask right away, “Officer … can you please tell me …”   -   but much to your dismay, the Homeland Security officer answers your question, right away:   “Mam/Sir, I am pulling you over today because you have not paid the Obamacare tax penalty for zero coverage.” Right away you’re thinking, this is insane, and whether or not you went on line to TRY to register, since Healthcare. – gov is such a huge joke, nobody really gets through anyhow, so how can they be pulling people over. Then you think deeper. “You broke the law.” So then you start wondering how they even knew where you were, I mean, you’re on a neighborhood road, s...

Before 1940, more than 85% of the U.S. population used drugless healers

The news blackout and disinformation campaign of natural cures has been so effective since WWII that most people do not ever learn of the "disappeared" therapies until the fateful moment when they or their loved ones are diagnosed with some dreadful disease. Then and only then will they begin "fighting for their lives" and delve into the plethora of alternative medicine, and throw to the wayside all of the supposedly "scientifically supported" mainstream medicine they fear so much . It wasn't always this way. Just 100 years ago , what we call "alternative" medicine was main stream, consisting of herbs, tinctures, roots and medicinal mushrooms which indigenous societies have proven effective for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Doctors making house calls and traveling snake oil salesmen were not called "quacks" because they were not quacks at all. Conversely, they were nipping disease and disorder (what little existed) in the bu...

Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC

How do you keep the spread of cancer "growing"? Bury the cure. How do you keep 1.5 million Americans "infested" yearly with mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably? You breed cancer in food and medicine. How many years ago did America start this evil strategy to make people sick and deny them the cure? Nearly 100 years. Where did it all really start? The American Medical Association (AMA) and a man named Morris Fishbein, who single-handedly removed nutrition from medical schools in the U.S. and installed a fake seal of approval for harmful lab-made drugs that made cancer worse. Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC Learn more: Learn more:

Government Healthcare website may NEVER work

    First of all, if you haven’t tried to sign up for toxic healthcare, don’t you worry, because the people trying SO HARD to register for it can’t anyway. So where is the ultimate failure to be hinged, on the inability to shop and secure coverage, or the fact that Obamacare is like a used car lot trying to sell you the lemons. Is your healthcare coverage held together with duck tape and elmer’s glue? What if you had a premium of $500.00 per month that guaranteed bad advice from doctors who know nothing about nutrition, natural healing, natural remedies and food as medicine? What if you had a premium for health insurance that was mandatory, which punished you for being HEALTHY, by doubling the premium each year for the next 6 years? Did you vote for Obama? Did you know the government which hinged it’s whole administration reputation on free or affordable healthcare has a website for it that doesn’t even work at all? This is what hundreds of millions of dollars i...

Government Healthcare website may NEVER work

First of all, if you haven’t tried to sign up for toxic healthcare, don’t you worry, because the people trying SO HARD to register for it can’t anyway. So where is the ultimate failure to be hinged, on the inability to shop and secure coverage, or the fact that Obamacare is like a used car lot trying to sell you the lemons. Is your healthcare coverage held together with duck tape and elmer’s glue? What if you had a premium of $500.00 per month that guaranteed bad advice from doctors who know nothing about nutrition, natural healing, natural remedies and food as medicine? What if you had a premium for health insurance that was mandatory, which punished you for being HEALTHY, by doubling the premium each year for the next 6 years? Did you vote for Obama? Did you know the government which hinged it’s whole administration reputation on free or affordable healthcare has a website for it that doesn’t even work at all? This is what hundreds of millions of dollars is paying for, bad ...

You can ignore the prevention and cures for cancer by watching television and reading the newspaper

What’s the best way to become sick, stay sick, and die early? Listen to what you hear on television about food, drinks, products and medicine. Buy what is advertised heavily, consume what the news says is safe to consume, and follow the advice of doctors who appear on television to talk MORE about what the news is covering, the latest drugs, the latest surgery, and the latest greatest “technology” in the x-ray rooms and vaccine therapies. You see, there is a pattern, and it has worked for a hundred years, well, as long as cancer has been around in the USA , and that pattern is reciprocal. In other words, the best way to get cancer is to follow bad instruction over, over and over again. The television is chock full of exciting, interesting and engaging commercials. There are situations you’d probably love to be a part of, like scuba diving in the Caribbean ocean, or sitting on the deck of some beautiful cottage overlooking the mountains and green rolling hills, just sipping ...

From magic we came, and to pixie dust will we vanish!

  According to Natural News , there is a new scientific study that statistically supports the idea that our known universe is actually a grand computer simulation. A new scientific paper published in arXiv and coauthored by Silas Beane from the University of Bonn reveals strong statistical evidence that our reality is, indeed, a grand computer simulation. The title of the paper is “Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation.” If our universe was consciously created, then it must have been created for a purpose. In his book, Proof of Heaven , near-death survivor Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, describes the purpose in great detail on page 48: “Through the Orb, [God] told me that there is not one universe but many -- in fact, more than I could conceive -- but that love lay at the center of them all. Evil was present in all the other universes as well, but only in the tiniest trace amounts. Evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible, a...