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Showing posts from July 7, 2013

Slow poisoning with caramel, still a Pepsi “trademark” cancer causing “secret” ingredient

  Are you drinking that brown soda again? Do you need some drugs to feel better from the SODA HANGOVER? It's quite addicting. I know it’s hard to drop. And that aspartame diet junk, or was it the regular you love so much? It’s time to wake up and smell the Pepsi: thyroid, liver and lung cancer are already determined in labs to be the issues with the byproduct produced from producing caramel coloring, which is called 4-methylimidazole. Welcome to the home of the brave and of the companies which manufacture slow death in a bottle. The worst part is they’re still doing it after getting caught. Coke too. The big guns just can’t be stopped. They can payoff just about anyone to side with them or settle. Close by choice.                                           ...

USDA Organic “seal of approval” could become worthless in next decade

    Mike Adams of Natural News, the ultimate health pioneer who opened his very own Natural News store (on line) less than one year ago, will be the first to tell you that USDA Organic means inspections of food quality at a very stringent level, yet, heavy metals may not be tested for at all, and “Certified Organic” Food from China may be worse than GMO in America, so who and what is to be trusted now? “ Not even good enough for dog food: Imported food from China loaded with chemicals, dyes, pesticides and fake ingredients Learn more:   Plus, when GMO farms full of pesticides, insecticides and herbicides that poison food and poison soil, when those farms have rain and irrigation “run off” and it spreads to organic farms, that circumvents “USDA Organic” and flies under the radar also, because the inspectors don’t see those organic farmers using those ch...

Chorox "Cave Dad" marketing disaster published on Natural News by Health Ranger!

According to various TV news and commercials, men are totally idiots and are not able to even wear underwear properly if not directed by their wives. Keeping this in point, Clorex hit the advertising media with a big surprise of an advertising campaign online which is quite offensive in nature. If this ad by any chance targeted the blacks in place of the dads then it would have been an extreme example of corporate racism. According to Natural News , this ad mainly begins with the fact that dads mainly lack the power of judgment and even motor skills. They do not know the exact way to take good care of their little ones and even this ad compared dads with dogs and various other house pets for their stupidity. For more information, on this subject, please log onto This ad even talks about six basic mistakes which new dads generally make and each one of the examples turns out to be an outrageous slu...