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Showing posts from June 12, 2016

The Food REVOLT has begun! -- Health Ranger's FOOD FORENSICS book already Bestseller in Science

The Health Ranger published this press release this morning: "There's no other way to say this: The skyrocketing success of this book that you've made possible is nothing less than a massive revolt against Big Food . Together, we have just fired a massive flare over the territory of food secrecy and agricultural poisons, bringing daylight to food realms that have been shrouded in darkness and deception. Now, with the help of my lab ( and your continued support, we are tearing back the veil of lies to reveal the authoritative scientific truth about what's really in our food. YOU are making this happen... I'm just the guy carrying out the science. But none of this would be possible without your support. Join the revolt against Big Food by supporting my book. Preorder Food Forensics right now from or Barnes & Noble . The more copies we all buy together, the higher this book climbs on all the bestseller lists. It s...

The top 7 strangest, literally mind-blowing vaccine ingredients

The vaccine industry is completely "immune" to being sued in a court of law by any person who finds themselves or their children injured by the insane boatload of chemicals now found in every single vaccine, including influenza vaccines (flu shots). This allows vaccine manufacturers to use virtually ANY chemical, genetically modified organism , virus, bacteria, or tissue sample from another animal, as a vaccination ingredient, without ever testing anything for safety or efficacy. The vaccine manufacturers could literally use snake venom, uranium, plutonium, or cesium 137 in an inoculation, and if it killed an adult, child, infant, or pregnant woman and her unborn child, they could not be sued. The vaccine industry has their own court of law, their own judges, and a slush fund to keep parents silent and keep these cases out of the media, and it works. Have you EVER seen any person on the news on television, or read any newspaper article about some person or thei...

New Amazing, Easy-to-Read and Simple to Learn Book for Decoding Food Labels for Toxins!

99 Health Ranger Rules for Reading Food and Product Labels: How to avoid disease-causing toxins in foods, supplements, personal care products and medicines Just for Kindle: Only $2.99. Could save your life, prevent cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and more! Great shopping guide too. Highly recommend. Introduction : You see these health conscious people at grocery stores, standing there in the aisles and at the produce bins, for extended periods of time, diligently reading the labels on everything they’re considering purchasing, but how in the world do they know what they’re reading? It seems these days the ingredients list for one product is longer than your entire weekly grocery list, and contains words that seem bigger than the longest word in the English language, “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis.” Who REAL...

Top 9 vaccines you NEVER need and exactly why the CDC has to scare everybody into getting them

  Sure, we live in a capitalistic country, and more power to the people who run businesses and make a good living selling goods and services. But, all of those who knowingly make money off other people's demise should be shut down and fined, and maybe even jailed. That rule of thumb should go for companies, organizations and corporations too, not to mention regulatory agencies, but that's more of a utopian world, that doesn't exist, and from the looks of things, probably never will. Since the beginning of time, indigenous peoples have found natural foods, herbs, tinctures, berries, mushrooms and minerals that prevent and cure all types of infectious diseases, but in America, only a small portion of the population know about them, and some of those folks don't even believe in them anymore. What's the reason for that? Fear. Immense fear has been instilled in citizens by their government, that takes a few of the worst-case-scenarios for each infec...

Top 7 reasons chemotherapy fails more than 97% of the time, creating new cancers in the body and crippling the chances of true recovery

  First of all, most cancers are created by consuming chemicals, and those cancer cells exist in the blood and can travel throughout the body. So what's the use of going "under the knife" to cut out some flesh when that same person keeps eating, drinking, applying and injecting chemicals that cause more cancers? Answer: None. Plus, tumors are actually one of the body's way of containing cancer cells, and when surgeons attempt to cut them out, they often let many of those cells escape. Then, those same doctors, called oncologists, radiate the "marginal area" where the tumor or cancer was removed, and that radiation itself causes new cancers. Then, to top it all off, afterwards, those patients (victims) are dosed up with chemotherapy drugs that are derived from poisonous mustard gas chemicals used in WWI and WWII (Zyklon B to be specific) to kill people, so where's the logic? Chemotherapy is as archaic as bloodletting , back when doctors...