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Showing posts from January 5, 2014

GMO PUSHERS ... How evil can they get?

  With these anti-transparency, anti-consumer, anti-American actions, the GMA now firmly puts itself in the same evil camp as Monsanto itself. Because the right to know what we are eating is a fundamental human right , the GMA's actions clearly define it as an anti-human rights group . In the history of human rights violations, we've seen a long list of evil efforts to silence certain groups of people and keep them ignorant: Women were denied the right to vote, slaves were denied the right to "personhood," and in the Holocaust, Jews were denied the right to life itself. Now the GMA joins that haunting history of human rights violators by insidious working to deny all people the right to know what they are eating. Learn more:

Nobel Peace Prize to be taken away from Obama and given to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger! (satire)

                     Does anyone REALLY know why Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize in the first place? Was it because he closed Guantanamo Bay ? Nope. He never did that. Was it because he fired Generals who said fighting in Afghanistan was a waste of time? Was it because he pushes GMO food all over the world to help “starving” kids eat? Was it because he pushes Bill Gate’s vaccine agenda all over the world to help inject kids with diseases they don’t want to catch? Inquiring minds want to know!   So now, here in the REAL world, where people care about other people’s health and welfare, we are (mentally) taking away Obama’s peace prize he doesn’t deserve and we are awarding it to the ultimate pioneer of health, food science, and Journalism! The Editor in C...

The horrifying truth about Fukushima that the government is trying to underplay!

  According to Natural News , radiation from Fukushima has reached the shores of California. This has been confirmed by county officials in Half Moon Bay, California, who conducted radiation tests and found a 500% increase in radiation on the beaches there. It has been confirmed that TEPCO lied about radiation readings at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plants. Actual radiation releases were as much as 18 times higher than "official" reports. It is now widely believed by nuclear experts that radioactive elements such as cesium-137 have entered the food chain in the Pacific Ocean and have begun to arrive on the shores of California. This means seafood caught in the Pacific Ocean must now be tested for radiation. For more information, log onto: "It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No. 4 reactor." - Mitsuhei Mura...

Quit smoking the natural way and start eating right too!

According to Natural News , if your New Year’s resolution was to quit smoking, then there is great news for you. There is a way to quit smoking in 14 days or less, without the patch, without medication and without hypnosis. Medications like Chantix and Zyban do work for some people, but for others, they block natural dopamine production in the body and lead to heightened anxiety, depression, feelings of suicide and even suicide itself. The nicotine patch only releases about 1 milligram of nicotine per hour, which is nothing like smoking commercial cigarettes, which are loaded with up to 100 mg of nicotine in just one cigarette, due to ammonia (free-basing) treatment at the factory. Nicotine gum only delivers about 3 to 4 mg of nicotine, so you'd have to chew a whole pack every hour to even come close to weaning yourself off nicotine. Hypnosis works for some people, but again, it’s not comprehensive, doesn't include nutrition, and for some, the self "psych-out...

Toxic Food from the Industrial Revolution – We eat it – Mike Adams tests it and shows us the lab results

    2014 Projects to save society from self destruction! Natural News Forensic Food Lab: Find out about these:   Just how much aluminum is in aluminum canned soda?   Testing Mickey D’s chicken mcnuggets testing for arsenic! -   Scientific Validation while cooking on aluminum pans!   Testing Whole Foods’ organic products, especially those from China !   Info to be shared publicly by the Health Ranger Mike Adams – come shop on with the ultimate pioneer of food science! Make smart choices. Know what to avoid.   Huge Win for public safety regarding food   Further your vegan knowledge. Further your vegetarian knowledge. Protect your kids. Protect society. Learn a wealth of information in just a few hours:   Nutritional Supplements: Supplements heavy metals tests: Aluminum, Arsenic, Copper...

The joke is on McDonalds now!

According to Natural News , McDonald's is in damage control mode after an internal resource that the company created for its employees embarrassingly advised them to stop eating its own food offerings. CNN reports that the McDonald's corporation officially shut down its so-called "McResource Line" after an official nutrition guide posted on the site warned McDonald's employees that eating a burger, fries and a Coke -- the staple meal at McDonald's -- is an "unhealthy choice" when it comes to food. Originally developed for the purpose of helping McDonald's employees take ownership of their own health through communication and education, the McResource Line, which draws its content from various third-party sources, was apparently a little bit too honest when it came to providing McDonald's employees with nutrition advice. A photo feature displaying a cheeseburger meal like the kind sold at McDonald's, labeled the "unhealthy c...