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Showing posts from December 22, 2013

Obamacare has more bugs that the cornfields of Nebraska – and the “individual mandate” may fail afterall

    To kill a vampire, one must drive a stake through the heart of the otherwise “eternal” beast. In the case of forced eternal sickcare (the A.C.A. – unaffordable care act), that would be a “dagger” in the form of 36 states not running their own exchanges. How will the federal “subsidy” work then? Will they be doled out to the masses who can’t even register on healthcare.gump because it barely works when more than a couple hundred people go on line at once, or will premiums skyrocket by as much as 1,000%, costing more than a mortgage to get coverage for pre-existing conditions, cancer care and surgery to remove organs that aren’t working properly due to GMO food consumption? Is that the kind of care you want? Do you need it? Will you accept money from the government for bad medicine? Will you qualify? Will you punch your personal, most confidential information into the loose-run exchange, where hackers steal identities, credit cards, bank records, social security num...

HEALTH NEWS SHOCKER: Vaccinated children largely responsible for triggering and spreading disease

  A recent study shows kids who get vaccinated aren’t just carriers, they carry it more easily and more often than unvaccinated kids, so now WHO wants the whooping cough vaccine? Could it be that the vaccine ITSELF weakens immunity? Oh yes, anytime you inject bacteria, MSG, aluminum and mercury into the veins, you are bypassing digestive and lung filtering systems, so the body has no defense against pathogens, toxic emulsifiers and dangerous adjuvants that Western Medicine claims are necessary in vaccines to carry and deliver the “goods” – but in essence all vaccines do are carry central nervous system destructors past the blood/brain barrier and shock the immune system into fight or flight, or better yet, flight and panic.   Do you ever get the flu from a flu shot? Maybe you just carry the flu for others around you to pick up? A recent study shows whooping cough is on the RISE. First thoughts? Run out and get vaccinated right? That’s what “doctor” tv shows woul...


There are two wars on cancer, the fake one and the real one. The fake one began back when President Richard Nixon declared it, and that’s when Big Pharma moved in for the kill, doubling their efforts at poisoning the masses and pretending to care to find a “cure.” The REAL war on cancer began in the 1990’s, when Natural News enthusiasts began waging war against GMO, against Monsanto, and against pesticides in food and drinks. We all know now why there’s no cure for cancer, except organic food and natural remedies, and even though third world countries have known this for centuries, Americans were “blinded by the media” and the hype, the propaganda, the false claims, the false research, the lying science, the vaccines, the chemo, the radiation, the surgery.   Americans have been brainwashed for 100 years, by the AMA, the FDA, the CDC. Americans believe that JAMA, Journal of American Medical Association, publishes peer reviews based on actual heartfelt research and stati...

Under Obamacare (-lessness) smokers rates will double - learn how to quit NATURALLY via Natural News

Under Obamacare (-lessness), smokers rates will double , especially if you are a long term smoker! It's time to find a "way out." The CNS can only take so much abuse before it starts reacting, breaking down, malfunctioning and wreaking havoc on the entire mental state of the person. Also, pesticide used on commercial tobacco can cause confusion and depression, among a whole host of nutrient deficiencies and other disorders. Learn more: Remember, Western medicine (Big Pharma) likes you nervous, anxious, imbalanced and chronically sick. That's how they keep their "clients for life." You are smarter and deserve better than that. Natural News enthusiasts love balance and the organic way of life. Choose to stay focused, balanced, energetic and healthy. Play it smart, and you can keep your CNS functioning on all cylinders - all the time! Learn more: ...

Busting the Myths Wide Open – the Health Ranger is on a mission!

  Mike Adams, the Health Ranger is about to announce HUGE changes in how we function as healthy consumers. This will be breaking news on many levels of research. January 7 through the 10 th Natural News enthusiasts are going to have a lot to consider, and even more to reconsider. What you once “assumed to be true” – shattered. Find out companies that are just “wild guessing” with their nutritional information. Health Ranger Update and Natural News Tracker are two ways to get quick info on what’s happening on Natural News, highlights from the day and posted in the evenings when the mainstream news is lying through their teeth. Keep up with honesty and integrity. This is the online community who cares about your health. The Health Ranger is like a scientific pioneer of this. Sharing the health news in all forms, on different genres and schools of thought, respecting nutrition, challenging research, tracking progress of organic communities while unveiling and uncovering myt...

Quit smoking naturally for New Year's Eve! - A Natural News inside look at 14AndOut

Begin by asking yourself "why can't I quit?" Go ahead, say it out loud once. I'll wait ... "Why can't I quit?" ...Okay, good! Now, YOU ARE NOT going to like the answer, but you ARE going to love the solution. That's the difference between this organic method of cessation recommended by the Health Ranger, and all the others. You face yourself and you face reality. When you quit this time, you will know why you couldn't quit last time you tried , or thought about trying, and that's all the difference in the world. When someone chooses not to do something, if they DON'T know the reasoning behind their choice, then the next time it rears up, they most likely will not make an educated decision , and that's how people repeat the same behaviors and mistakes, over and over, and over again. What are your main reasons for smoking, and why haven't you quit, yet? Do these excuses look familiar? It's a break from work. It...

Multi-vitamin slam just Big Pharma sham - its so obvious

"I could conduct a study where people tried to put out a forest fire with squirt guns, and when it failed, I could say that it proves that you can't put out a forest fire with water," wrote yet another disapproving commenter, using the beauty of metaphor to illustrate what many in the mainstream media carelessly overlooked concerning this latest hit piece against vitamins and minerals. Learn more: