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Showing posts from December 5, 2021

Learn how to QUIT NICOTINE NATURALLY with superfood & supplement beverage invention

35 million smokers in USA and 15 million people in the USA vape There are a total of 50 million Americans addicted to nicotine, the third-most addictive drug in the world, ranking behind heroin and cocaine. That's 50 million Americans who are compromising their immune system function by using nicotine regularly, because it constricts blood vessels. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, limiting oxygen and nutrient flow to all parts of the body. Over time, the addiction gets worse, and the user needs more and more to feel the same. There is a long-term nicotine hangover – it's called depression.   Chronic use of nicotine lowers immune system function , making user more susceptible to catching Covid, catching a bad case, and dying.   There has never been a natural nicotine alternative that does not contain nicotine, chemicals, or artificial sweeteners. There has also never been a nicotine alternative in liquid form...