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Showing posts from December 6, 2015

The final escape has already begun - And you didn't even realize it!

  Get this straight in your head right now. You're not trapped. In fact, you've already begun your grand final "escape" from cigarettes, because you are reading this. You will now deviate from what is "expected" of you as a smoker. You will quit smoking for life.   There's an old fable about a fly that gets trapped in a window and can't get out to find food. It tried every crevice of that window over and over, but there was no way to get outside. It died an early death in that window, looking at the sun light, and food, that was right outside.   Unfortunately, for the fly, another window in the house was wide open , but it failed to ever leave the room it was trapped in, to venture to check and see.   In that same light, human beings are "stuck in their windows" - eating the same food that comes from the same dirt, that's polluted with pesticides like herbicide and insecticide. think about it. The year is 201...

How to Get Your Spouse, Boyfriend or Girlfriend to Quit Smoking by New Year's

How do you get your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend to stop smoking? You don't. You can't. They have to decide and do it for themselves. So then, is talking about it a complete waste of time? Absolutely NOT. At least 95% of people who try to quit smoking without some kind of help will go back to smoking within six months. That's a statistical fact, but relatives, spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends–they all have their guards up already for advice coming from those close to them, and some have even set rules and barriers up so you can't even talk about their habit, what you hate about it, and much less how they can or should quit. So what to do?   Step One : Do the research for them, but don't push it on them or preach it to them. They won't listen. Simply find a holistic, natural method* that doesn't involve dangerous medications, gimmicks, or nicotine, and simply mention that you read something "interesting" and just sugges...