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Showing posts from December 1, 2013

Cotton Ball Diet – The new diet fad that is extremely dangerous for one’s health and well-being!

  According to Natural News , a practice being promoted on YouTube as a fad diet is actually a form of disordered eating that can pose serious health risks, health professionals are warning. In videos promoting "the cotton ball diet," young girls soak cotton balls in lemonade or orange juice and then swallow them. The girls claim that the cotton balls expand in the stomach, producing a feeling of fullness and thereby making them eat less during the day. In this, the cotton ball diet may seem at first to resemble appetite-suppressing drugs such as Lipozene. But everything about the diet is dangerous, experts warn, from the specifics of the practice to the attitude behind it. To start with, most cotton balls are not actually made from cotton, but rather from synthetic, bleached polyester fibers full of dangerous chemicals. "Swallowing a synthetic cotton ball is like dipping your T-shirt in orange juice and eating it," said Brandi Koskie, managing e...

The Health Ranger gets sick from eating organic, how? He investigates his own health in the Natural News Forensics Lab

  How valuable is the USDA organic seal of approval? Does that mean it is tested for heavy metals? Is the farm that “keeps everything organic” tested for GMO and pesticide “runoff” from the neighboring farms? Could someone plant GMO seeds on an organic farm and call it organic, because they don’t use pesticides? What if something is organic but it’s from China ? Is that better than U.S. Conventional? Or is it worse ?! Who would know these answers?   The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, has these answers, and he doesn’t just know the answers, he is using science , the parts per trillion kind of science, to test everything he eats, whether it has a fancy (USDA) organic seal or not and whether the seeds are organic or bred with toxins and even poison. The natural news lab work is underway. This inspection is revolutionary and the list could include all kinds of contaminants in food: GMO/contaminants/pesticide/herbicide/fungicide/insecticide/heavy metals/bacteria/viru..., or is a better and more appropriate name for Obamacare?

  According to Natural News , Red State found out, via Alex Hern on Twitter, that the Obamacare website has attempted website attacks in its search box, automatically activating when one types or mistypes the right letters or punctuation. This tells us a few things: there is a lack of polish in the website, there are many people who want to break into the website and there isn’t much confidence in the security of the website. All of these things should be troubling to people with data in that system. As per Red State , sites that store information in databases need to take input from the user (such as a URL, or a search box) and put that into a request to the database. The text from the public has to go into the SQL. That’s a problem, because malicious users who understand SQL could put SQL into their searches, running whatever commands they want on the database. For more information, log onto:

502 square miles of Los Angeles could become an official "GMO-Free Zone!"

Two Los Angeles city councilmen are attempting to make history in Southern California by banning the growth, sale and distribution of genetically modified (GM) seeds and plants anywhere in the city of Los Angeles. Congressman Mitch O'Farrell's 13th District website explains that both O'Farrell and his colleague, Paul Koretz, are leading the charge with the new motion, which thousands of local supporters are already pushing to have passed with a new petition. The motion would make all 502 square miles of Los Angeles an official "GMO-Free Zone," protecting homes, schools, community gardens and public spaces from being contaminated with GMOs. If passed, Los Angeles would become the largest GMO-free zone in the country, a move that both O'Farrell and Koretz say would serve the best interests of Angelinos by preserving the integrity of their local food supply. Learn more:

Let ‘PRISM’ refract the correct light in the correct direction!

  According to Natural News , The Guardian has just released a new slide today from its collection of 41 PRISM slides detailing the top secret NSA spy program that has, for years, granted the U.S. government "back door" access to the servers of Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, AOL, Facebook and others. The new slide reveals that every one of these companies has been blatantly and viciously lying to its users over the last several days, as they have denied that the government has any sort of "direct access" to their servers. In a brilliant move of strategic journalism, the Guardian held on to this revealing PRISM slide until today, allowing all these tech companies to dig themselves into deep holes of denial regarding participation in the NSA spy program. Once all the companies were on the record claiming government has no "direct access" to their servers, The Guardian slapped down this jaw-dropping top secret slide image shown below. It rev...

Drones to drop ship packages on your porch in 4 years via Look, out your front door, what are those things, flying around the neighborhood? They’re everywhere. Are they huge dragon flies or gargantuan locusts? Is this minority report or did you wake up to a world where drones drop your packages on your porch and take some pictures and video through your windows, from strategic angles? Can you give “signature confirmation” by flashing the peace sign from your living room floor? Will merge with the NSA and deliver the Obamacare cancellation notices, or will it just be your paranoia and it’s really just a book and a board game being dropped off just in time for someone’s birthday or that hallmark holiday?   How many people will have nets ready, to trap the drones and sell them on E-Bay? How many hunters, ex-cops, military and ex-military will play skeet, and blast them down like clay pigeons? Can the judge watch the video of you shooting down...

Obama spending less than a trillion a year is called “deficit reduction”

  If I were a madman, a serial killer, and I killed 100 people every year for four years, and then suddenly, last year I only killed 80, should I brag about it and say that I’ve reduced crime?   If I were a bank robber, and I stole a million dollars from 4 different armored trucks over the past 4 years, and now, this year, I’m still robbing an armored truck, but I’m only stealing $750,000, is that a good thing? Should I be honored for stealing less? What if I am a politician, a lifelong committed one? Does that make it okay? You bet your last nickel it does. That’s why 30% of America still supports Barrack Obama and believes he is all about “change” and movement “forward.” Obama has spent a trillion a year on senseless war in the Middle East , and just because he moved the military out of Iraq and moved them all into Afghanistan doesn’t make him some kind of hero. Just because Obama is spending (stealing money by having Bernanke print it for him) $200 bill...