The following are true stories. In California, a doctor who had just completed an examination on a female patient, put his hand down her blouse, pulled one of her breasts out of her bra and put his mouth on it, then pulled out his penis and ejaculated in her hand. In Missouri, a doctor treating a sexually assaulted patient told her he was turned on by her story and asked her if she liked being urinated on and tied up during sex. In Kentucky, a doctor examining a woman's abdomen thought her underwear was so sexy that he put his mouth on her vagina saying to her, "I couldn't resist" because it was ... "so beautiful." All of these cases are described in public records , and all of the doctors, of course, are still licensed to continue abusing people across America. The American Medical Association (AMA) could care less, as they are in the business of slinging chemical medicine for profit. Only occasionally will the AMA "burn a scarecrow...
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