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Showing posts from November 30, 2014

CDC Quacks Say to "Get Flu Shot Anyway" - Even Though It Doesn't Work ... Do You Like Mercury and Aluminum in Your Brain?

  Autism and Alzheimer's - say that three times real fast without messing up. That's the test to see if you need another flu shot. If you go into anaphylactic shock, ask your doctor if that's "right for you" when you wake up, if you wake up. Have you seen the warnings on the flu shot vial and box insert? NO? That's because the nurses don't show it to you, and most of them have never read it themselves. There haven't even been any tests run to see if flu shots are safe for humans OR if they even work. They tell you on the insert it probably won't work. They don't warn pregnant women. It's a big guess in the dark between about a dozen flu viruses anyway, depending on your region of the country, and it's a bunch of carcinogens bypassing your digestion and your breathing filters (your lungs). Flu shots are injected directly into muscle tissue and cause an unnatural immune system hyper-reaction and some people die FROM GETTING THE FLU ...

Fake Terror! A Ponzi America with Staged Events - What's Next for our Crooked Government?

  It doesn't matter if you don't believe the US Government is evil, because whether or not you believe it doesn't change the fact that George W. Bush had prior knowledge of Sept. 11, 2001 . Dick Cheney's fake "War on Terror" was planned out far in advance of the detonation/planned demolition of 3 huge buildings in the most popular East coast city of the USA . All three buildings came down into their own footprints, as any truthful engineer and architect will tell you cannot happen due to office fires from jet fuel. No office fire in the history of the world has brought down a skyscraper building demolition style. Ever.     It also doesn't matter if you don't believe that most food in America is engineered to make you sick after long-term consumption, because whether or not you believe it matters NONE to the fact that if you consume junk science food, processed food, GMO food and fluoridated t...

How to get rid of your smoking habit and why!

According to ABC News , scientists say the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should take warnings about the stop-smoking drug Chantix up a notch, citing data showing that the drug increases suicidal behavior and depression far more than other drugs and methods designed to help smokers quit. Chantix, also called varenicline, has been hotly debated since 2007, when experts first raised questions about the long-term safety of the drug and its connection to cardiovascular problems and vision lapses. Since then, studies have reported that patients taking Chantix are at increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts. Anecdotally, patients report wild dreams, inexplicable violent behavior and other psychological disturbances while on the drug. In 2009, the FDA placed a "black box" warning label on Chantix and another drug, Zyban, cautioning doctors and patients about the risk of depression, hostility and suicidal thoughts. But some researchers say these war...

Take Control of your Life ... Don't Eat Cancer!

In the United States, cancer statistically now strikes half of all men, and a third of all women. Those tough odds are compounded by the odds of surviving that cancer. Why is this happening, and what factors can improve our chances? The rise of diseases now typical of Western society has coincided oddly enough with the industrialization of the modern diet - food allergies, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, GERD, peptic ulcers, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome... and ultimately cancer. How does our food supply contribute to this common thread of illness, debilitation and early death? The answer is staring us in the face - chemicals! The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which most Americans believe is in place to protect our food and guard our health, has instead allowed more than 70,000 chemicals to infiltrate our food supply. Many of these dangerous ingredients are outright toxins, and until we stop eating...

Smokers All Over the World End Cigarette Addiction with Natural Method 14AndOut

  The key to quitting smoking is to replace behaviors by replenishing nutrient base - experts and testimonials reflect on latest study/course: Smokers all over the world are finding out about the success stories of people who quit smoking without medication and pulled it off for more than six months, which is the initial time period when 95% of "quit attempts" fail and "light up" again. And any smoker or ex-smoker can tell you that once you light up or share ONE cigarette, you get dragged back into the undertow, and you're right back to a pack a day, or even more. Smokers all around the world have similar praise for a natural method that is reliable and comprehensive, but taught in 60 minutes. The natural method involves understanding three major phases of quitting smoking, starting with understanding HOW the 7,000 chemicals in commercial cigarettes affect the heart, brain, central nervous system,...