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Showing posts from June 28, 2015

The truth about Obamacare, dirty politics and how to naturally improve health

  According to Natural News , in a recent blog entry for The Wall Street Journal , Somers wrote that, first and foremost, it's time to call Obamacare what it really is: "socialized medicine": I've had an opportunity to watch the Canadian version of affordable health care in action with all its limitations with my Canadian husband's family. A few years ago, I was startled to see the cover of Maclean's , a national Canadian magazine, showing a picture of a dog on an examining table with the headline, "Your Dog Can Get Better Health Care Than You." It went on to say that young Canadian medical students have no incentive to become doctors to humans because they can't make any money. Instead, there is a great surge of Canadian students becoming veterinarians. That's where the money is. A Canadian animal can have timely MRIs, surgeries and any number of tests it needs to receive quality health care. Obamacare - a greater "Ponzi...

Gun control laws go "up in smoke" with gay marriage law - U.S. Constitution gains key victory for upcoming revolution

  Irony is the refuge of the educated, and the Supreme Court just made a decision on gay marriage that also solidifies ALL of the second amendment because of the language the entire case was based upon. Equal protection of human rights in USA carries straight across the board, not just on subjects the Supreme Court feels emotionally driven about or trying to make some other point. How ironic that after solidifying Obamacare, which is completely illegal, the Supreme Court made gay marriage legal, across all 50 states, basically nullifying gun control laws put in place by the past couple Presidential administrations in case the fake war on terror was found out by the masses and they revolt. The government certainly doesn't like the citizens of America owning automatic weapons or walking around towns and cities strapped with loaded weapons the government can't even see. This freaks them out because they want complete control of people's money, food decisions, medical ...