The STATE of Texas has decided that they don't want toxic pesticides and industrial heavy metal toxins in their food anymore. They don't want to give themselves cancer anymore so they are demanding that GMO, genetically modified organisms, be identified as such when sold to the consuming Americans - ninety percent of whom want GMO labeled always on everything it invades. The Right to Know movement is gaining traction and moves into the Lone Star State to help people protect themselves against preventable diseases like diabetes, autism, ADD, ADHD, food allergies (severe ones) and more. GMO foods must carry a label in Texas soon. This could become viral as other states follow suit and ignore the evil corporate Big Government agenda of hiding poisons in our food supply and calling it biotechnology, science, or chemical agriculture, it's all the same - - food that causes cell and body deformations and shortened lifespan prone to chronic care. The Latin...
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