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Showing posts from July 12, 2015

U.S. Vaccine Schedule Created by NAZI Scientists - Little Did You Know!

According to Natural News , it has been only 70 years since World War II, and the scientists from companies like I.G. Farben, BASF, Hoechst, Dow and Bayer, who created the gas chambers and tested dangerous vaccines on innocent Jews, didn't just go away. In fact, they went to work for U.S. corporations and pharmaceutical companies that run the vaccine industry today. In fact, at the close of WWII, the IG Farben building in Frankfurt was protected from allied bombings by the highest levels of military command. Currently, the U.S. Government and the CDC rely solely on the manufacturers of vaccines to report problems, injuries and deaths. Vaccines have economic and political agendas now, and the FDA does absolutely no testing of their own before making decisions to release vaccines to the masses. Want more research before you or your child get injected with a new concocted disease for which there is no cure? Listen to stunning admissions by vaccine industry experts...

Gov. Jerry Brown signs controversial mandatory vaccination measure passed by California's Democratic Legislature

  According to Natural News and local NBC affiliate KRCA, Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, quickly signed into law a controversial mandatory vaccination measure passed by the state's overwhelmingly Democratic Legislature, imposing one of the country's strictest vaccination laws in the wake of a relatively minor measles outbreak last year at Disneyland. Brown could hardly wait to sign the new measure. He issued a signing statement just a day after the Legislature sent him the measure that strikes the state's personal beliefs exemption for immunizations. The change means that nearly every child attending public school will be required to be vaccinated. The new mandate takes effect next year. "The science is clear that vaccines dramatically protect children against a number of infectious and dangerous diseases," Brown wrote. "While it's true that no medical intervention is without risk, the evidence shows that immunization powerfully benefits and...

You've been "scared to death" about infectious diseases, thanks to America, yet all those recommended vaccines LOWER immunity!

    Want to kill your immune system for a few days, weeks, if not years? Get vaccines and flu shots regularly, as scheduled by MDs and the CDC. Vaccines contain human albumin from unknown sources. How does that make you feel? Is there "mad human disease" because cows that eat cows go crazy. Could mercury that's still in flu shots be maiming pregnant women and their babies? What about the elderly? Is this what drives pneumonia to kill people, because there's no immunity to fight off infections, including genetically modified bacteria from meat, dairy and flu shots?   Check it out. Most infectious disease happens among the vaccinated. It's scientific fact, but CNN and Fox never report it or they would lose their sponsors, all those Big Pharma advertisers for drugs with side effects like depression, thoughts of suicide, suicide, internal bleeding, vision loss, and well, you've heard them all too.   Want to kill your good bacteria in your g...