* The nature of diseases like smallpox have been misconceived. While smallpox has a contagious component, vaccinated individuals can become infected, and non-vaccinated individuals remain immune, disproving Jenner's original theory that vaccination equates to bona fide immunity. * Vaccination is a unsanitary practice. By injecting the 'filth' of a diseased cow and smallpox patient into the body of a healthy individual one inevitably makes them sicker, possibly producing new infections, ultimately resulting in a greater disease burden. * The route of administration of the vaccine -- injection--- harbors special dangers versus natural (oral) exposures to infection. * Fear of disease drives people to vaccinate against commonsense and rationality. * Vaccination is unethical and immoral because of the manner in which the vaccine is produced (through the great suffering of poisoned animals) * The income generated through vaccination is the driving reason why the ...
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