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Showing posts from February 22, 2015

Gandhi's Anti-Vaccine Views - did people call HIM an extremist or a health nut?

* The nature of diseases like smallpox have been misconceived. While smallpox has a contagious component, vaccinated individuals can become infected, and non-vaccinated individuals remain immune, disproving Jenner's original theory that vaccination equates to bona fide immunity. * Vaccination is a unsanitary practice. By injecting the 'filth' of a diseased cow and smallpox patient into the body of a healthy individual one inevitably makes them sicker, possibly producing new infections, ultimately resulting in a greater disease burden. * The route of administration of the vaccine -- injection--- harbors special dangers versus natural (oral) exposures to infection. * Fear of disease drives people to vaccinate against commonsense and rationality. * Vaccination is unethical and immoral because of the manner in which the vaccine is produced (through the great suffering of poisoned animals) * The income generated through vaccination is the driving reason why the ...

Change your lifestyle the Food Babe Way!!

  According to Natural News , Food Babe Vani Hari is single-handedly convincing corporations to remove useless food toxins, and she's doing it the Food Babe Way ! Over the past three years, Vani has not only transformed her health and the quality of her life but also inspired many to become leaders of their own health. Vani's commitment to researching and understanding what's in the American food supply has also motivated entire food corporations to remove toxic additives from their widely produced food products. Vani's graceful personality, unrelenting activist spirit and growing army of supporters have convinced companies like Kraft, Chipotle, Starbucks, Chick-fil-A and Subway to be more honest and remove artificial and controversial ingredients that are making the population sick. Her new book, The Food Babe Way , is NOT about a diet. It's NOT about counting calories. This book is about finding and eliminating the chemicals in your food and increa...

Michelle Obama's disastrous school lunch program is starving the kids, while the US food crisis is being solved by the Health Ranger with grow systems

  In a food culture wrought with corruption, Michelle Obama's efforts to bring some "healthy" into the picture is like forcing kids to eat kale while they're surrounded by donuts and slurpees, and that's almost the case. From GMO and MSG to HFCS and hormone-laden milk and meat, school lunches are the extreme end of malnutrition, junk science addictions and major health detriment just waiting to happen. Infuse some forced-fruit choices and a "presidential" lunch lady and we're saved! Not so. Take a look at the statistics since the "healthy" M.O. (method of operation or "Michelle Obama" approach) kicked in. Nearly half of school meal programs reported declines in revenue during the 2012-13 school year and 9 out of 10 said food costs went up, including complaints arising from school districts in Chicago and Los Angeles . This comes as a shock since the first lady's initiative is federally subsidized. What a disaster. Pr...

Western Medicine is nothing but a "shot in the dark!"

Thimerosal dangers are UNTESTED by the CDC, yet mercury is one of the most deadly toxins on planet Earth. Thimerosal, a form of mercury, is listed on most flu shot and vaccine inserts. Read it for yourself . The Health Ranger tested the flu vaccine for heavy metals and found 25,000 times higher mercury levels than the EPA's limit for water! Sorry, but putting THAT in vaccines is NOT disease prevention. Aluminum is also listed on most flu shot and vaccine inserts. Aluminum is also found in vaccines and is known to cause Alzheimer's disease. It's no wonder people have nervous system disorders and dementia. What food is YOUR medicine, because all of this UNTESTED chemical medicine is an insane "shot in the dark!" When something works very well, you don't have to fake the science or engineering behind it, and all the experts know if you do. Well, most of them. Currently, top CDC scientists are BLOWING THE WHISTLE about vaccine fraud concerning sa...

Forced Vaccination Coverage and the Voices for Medical Freedom ... in the News

"Now is not the time to be intimidated by all the deception and lies pouring forth from the mouths, pens and keyboards of those who are ruled by the prevailing evil of our day." "If you think the government has the right to forcibly vaccinate people -- for the good of society -- what is to prevent them from forcibly sterilizing people, or forcibly euthanizing people, or forcibly implanting a tracking device -- for the good of society?" asked Dr. Lee Hieb, M.D., another brave vaccine opposer. Learn more:

Four must-see videos reveal the revolutionary realization that the raw, uncensored truth brings us, and that is that most humans are doing it "all wrong"

  Knowledge is power and once you have it, well, you have to do something with it. It's that simple. Once you read the next paragraph, you will know more about the real world around you, and how it DIRECTLY AFFECTS your health, wealth, safety and happiness, or lack thereof. Every second of every day will be different now, knowing what YOU know and feeling OBLIGATED to do something with the power of the new knowledge contained in your brain, stored for eternal use.   What if 9 out of every 10 things you ate, drank and put on your skin causes disease and cell disorder? What if 90 cents of every dollar you spend, on everything, went into the hands of the most evil corporations, who re-invest that money to drive your health into the ground, slowly and at a very steep price? What if the cost of viewing and researching ANYTHING on the internet suddenly jumped, from the low cost of your wifi to the high cost of the US Government's "new tax", just like healthca...