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Showing posts from December 28, 2014

Cigarettes, diet soda and cell phones – each one of them can cause cancer!

According to Natural News, extensive research into the connection between cell phone radiation and cancer has linked this ubiquitous modern technology to two main types of brain tumors: gliomas and acoustic neuromas. Information compiled by has confirmed the following findings with regard to cell phones and brain cancer. 1) An independent study commissioned by U.S. wireless carrier T-Mobile found that cell phone radiation directly initiates and promotes the formation of cancer. 2) The renowned Interphone study also found that regular cell phone use at just 30 minutes per day over 10 years increases the risk of gliomas by 40 percent. It also found that tumors were more likely to form on the side of the head where a cell phone is most prominently held. 3) A review of 23 epidemiological studies conducted by seven scientists concluded that cell phones cause a "harmful association" between cell phones and cancer. The only included studies that di...

Depressed Farmers and Depressed Americans "losing their minds" thanks to Corporate Greed and Pesticides

The US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in their landmark Agricultural Health Study studied a group of 89,000 farmers and other pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. The mammoth study concluded that, "use of two pesticide classes, fumigants and organochlorine insecticides, and seven individual pesticides--the fumigants aluminum phosphide and ethylene dibromide; the phenoxy herbicide (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4,5-T); the organochlorine insecticide dieldrin; and the organophosphate insecticides diazinon, malathion, and parathion--were all positively associated with depression in each case group." The study showed that farmers with the highest number of lifetime exposure days to pesticides were 50 percent more likely to later have a depression diagnosis. The research linked long-term use of pesticides to higher rates of depression and suicide. Evidence also suggests that pesticide poisoning--a heavy dose in a short...

Prepare your own food even if the Big USA crashes!

According to Natural News , Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has come up with an invention that will allow anyone to: • Grow food at remarkably little expense • Produce over 200% more food in the same space compared to square foot soil gardening. • Grow food with over 500% higher mineral nutrition than store-bought foods. • Produce your own high-potency natural medicines including anti-cancer medicine, right at home, for virtually free. • Create your own high-potency plant-based mineral supplements which can be easily dried and stored for later use in capsules or powders. • Grow high-calorie-producing ROOT vegetables, including potatoes, carrots and beets, using variations of this system. • REMOVE all toxic heavy metals from your water source. One of the top innovations in this system is a 3D printable device that removes heavy metals from water. • The system requires NO electricity. There are NO power cords. There are NO pumps. One of the Health Ranger...

Would you pay yourself half a million dollars to quit smoking? Get ready!

Hello, smokers around the world. Big question: If half a million dollars in cash was on the table and you had to decide right now to quit smoking cigarettes and never pick up another one, would you pick up the pack of Marlboro Reds or the fat stack of cash?! Every smoker in the world has heard at least once how much money they're wasting on cigarettes. They usually hear it from their relatives. Somebody did the math, and it was ugly, but it obviously still didn't matter enough. So who's talking about $500,000 now? That's half a million dollars. Could this much money really be at stake, today, when you make that choice? Rising cost of a pack of cigarettes The cost of a pack of cancer sticks ranges from $5.00 to $14.50, depending on city, county and state, and of course, being in a state the grows the MOST tobacco helps, like Kentucky. In metropolitan cities like New York, cigarettes cost over $14.00 per pack! And so the math gets started at a pack a...