According to Natural News, extensive research into the connection between cell phone radiation and cancer has linked this ubiquitous modern technology to two main types of brain tumors: gliomas and acoustic neuromas. Information compiled by has confirmed the following findings with regard to cell phones and brain cancer. 1) An independent study commissioned by U.S. wireless carrier T-Mobile found that cell phone radiation directly initiates and promotes the formation of cancer. 2) The renowned Interphone study also found that regular cell phone use at just 30 minutes per day over 10 years increases the risk of gliomas by 40 percent. It also found that tumors were more likely to form on the side of the head where a cell phone is most prominently held. 3) A review of 23 epidemiological studies conducted by seven scientists concluded that cell phones cause a "harmful association" between cell phones and cancer. The only included studies that di...
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