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Showing posts from October 20, 2013

“Shop and Browse” $99 Mercedes Benz convertibles and Super Cheap Healthcare!

  Let’s start off with a huge lie: Obamacare is cheap and you can shop it on line without entering any personal information.   Let’s delve into a BIGGER LIE: If you are 51 years old, you get the same rates as someone who is 88, and if you are 49 years old, you’ll get the same rates as a teenager or a pro football player.   One more Big Lie just for the record: You can buy a brand new sports car with ZERO down, zero interest, and no payments until 2050.   Now let’s talk about REAL news and how it is affecting millions of Americans who think they can get some kind of health coverage that’s anywhere near the price and quality (your own doctor) of what they have now. The U.S. Government has set up a sneaky way to miss-price your quotes on line, even though the system barely works for anyone right now. What the...

“Shop and Browse” $99 Sports Cars and Super Cheap Healthcare!

  Let’s start off with a huge lie: Obamacare is cheap and you can shop it on line without entering any personal information.   Let’s delve into a BIGGER LIE: If you are 51 years old, you get the same rates as someone who is 88, and if you are 49 years old, you’ll get the same rates as a teenager or a pro football player.   One more Big Lie just for the record: You can buy a brand new sports car with ZERO down, zero interest, and no payments until 2050.   Now let’s talk about REAL news and how it is affecting millions of Americans who think they can get some kind of health coverage that’s anywhere near the price and quality (your own doctor) of what they have now. The U.S. Government has set up a sneaky way to miss-price your quotes on line, even though the system barely works for anyone right now. What t...

Gambling sites work better than and the world is beginning to scream at the whole BIG Healthcare LIE

    Breaking News! This is NOT a test of the emergency broadcast system …   This just in: The huge meteor heading directly towards Earth will be delayed 3 weeks by the Obama Administration, as that will interfere with the release of the actual computer software that will magically save the healthcare-dot-guv site that is crashing for millions of people every minute, who are in a mad rush to register their guns and medications with the IRS/NSA combo team who will soon be enforcing tax penalties for those who don’t get “signed up.” This horrible but enlightening news about the METEOR DELAY and individual mandate delay comes at a time when Americans couldn’t be MORE frustrated with a tyrannical U.S. Government that terrorizes organic farmers, natural medicine distributors, and third world countries by dropping GMO food bombs and syringes with small pox and swine flu. Millions of Americans who go on porn sites and gambling sites via U.S. based computers are BEFUDD...

Freebased nicotine has 45 million U.S. smokers hooked - A Natural News inside story

How can so many people be so stuck in a "habit" and unable to escape? What if you found out that the third most addicting drug in the world was "juiced up" with a potent, deadly and volatile chemical, and has been for five decades? Let's get right into this one: ammonia does not register on nicotine level testing , but a chemical process similar to freebasing cocaine is used to enhance the potency of nicotine up to 35 times , and this alone converts bound nicotine molecules into free molecules, reaching the heart and brain within 3 seconds. This form of nicotine is highly addictive and travels so quickly in the body because it vaporizes into a gas that is absorbed by the lungs and then distributed to the brain and heart immediately. Decades ago, the entire tobacco industry, better known as "Big Tobacco," was brought to court in Minnesota for marketing fraud and for illegally "hooking" their customers with this supercharged ... – A research-based website is here to answer all your existing queries on science!

  According to Natural News , the research website has now achieved 12 million studies posted on topics covering over 20 categories, including vitamins, minerals, medicinal herbs, phytonutrients, toxic chemicals, drug side effects and more. The website is the world's largest relational database of scientific studies organized by concept correlations. In other words, for any given topic (such as "chlorella" or "blueberries"), it can tell you which other concepts are most frequently studied or cited in relation to that concept. For more information, log onto: Based on billions of correlation calculations requiring months of computation, reveals that the scientific literature is well-populated with studies demonstrating the medicinal effects of nutritional supplements, super foods, minerals an...

Kidney damaging antibiotic discovered in Japan after WWII now the “last stand” for fighting Superbugs – so what’s next for NIH?

  The sheer lack of new antibiotics from drug manufacturers has led scientists to resort to a dangerous “old” antibiotic known as COLISTIN, and though killing humans slowly isn’t really a good answer for how to kill superbugs, it’s one last ditch effort by Big Pharma to reign in the evolution of mayhem they created themselves, by the overuse of antibiotics in animals and hospitals, and by blocking out all natural remedies as a way to build immunity. Between vaccines, pharmaceuticals and antibiotics, the human body is completely polluted with toxic “meds” and the bugs – the bacteria, viruses, and genetically modified combinations of bacteria and viruses, have created a wave of sickness that is breaking away from Western Medicine and wreaking havoc on the masses. Unfortunately, the “masses” rarely hear about Nature’s remedies for superbugs and super viruses, so they just accept disease and disorder as normal, and plug in their social security number to Healthcare.whatever...

Cigarettes or diet soda: Which gives you cancer sooner?

  Most people who smoke a pack a day of cigarettes know they are treading on thin ice regarding their health, but how many people realize that drinking 30 or more ounces of diet soda each day could prove to be more lethal than a pack of cigarettes? And how can diet soda be worse than regular soda? Even though there are over 4,000 chemicals in one commercial cigarette, the leading chemical in diet soda may actually be breeding more cancer cells in human beings, and thus leading to malignant tumors sooner in life, according to recent research. ( ) Could cancer be the end result of depression? Killing brain neurons and expediting cell death may be killing people faster than lung cancer, and chronic depression is fuel for overwhelming cell mutation and the taking over of organs by mutagenic warped cells, also known as blood cancer. ( ) People who smoke cigarettes are locked into a vicious cycle of boostin...

Over 50,000,000 plastic cigarette butts cleaned up from the world’s beaches

  There are over 45,000,000 smokers in the United States, so it’s no wonder there are about 52 million cigarette butts found littered on the beaches, in fact, there is probably ten times that amount in landfills, in fields, on the side of the roads, and in the ashtrays of automobiles, about to be dumped out in some parking lot. And why in the world don’t cigarette butts disintegrate? Aren’t they just like sponges wrapped in paper? Are they glass wool, like fiberglass, wrapped in plastic or cellulose acetate, the stuff they use to make photo film? Who knows the truth behind this mystery of non-biodegradable poison that’s scattered around the edge of every continent? Which animals, besides humans, are consuming this toxic nicotine laced plastic “sponge” full of pesticides, insecticides, ammonia, bleach and fiberglass? If a human being were to eat 10 cigarette butts, he or she would DIE of a nicotine overdose. What can you do about it? If you are a smoker, how can you quit ...

The Zombie quickening is upon us, and the vaccine pushers are putting bracelets on the “infected” minds of third world children

    How much should Bill Gates “donate” to the zombie bracelet fund, $100,000 or $1,000,000? Which amount would get those vaccine schedules out to the poor unknowing tribes faster and breed disaster quicker? Do they get a thumb drive with their first combo jab, a drive that holds the Obamacare program and the real healthcare – dot – gov secret combination and free program? Do you get a free supply of GMO corn and soy for one year when you get 6 or more vaccines in a year? Is there a frequent flyer card, or do they just PUNCH IT OUT on your bracelet, you know, some cute little iconic symbol and date get a little hole next to them, so you can keep track of your impending aluminum poisoning and when the formaldehyde really kicks in? Let’s check out why the software GIANT is pushing vaccines all over the world, and just what is the connection between computers and sticking a needle in your arm, over and over and over, that contains emulsifiers, toxic “carriers,” toxic ...