Covid-19 and Nicotine: How much does nicotine use INCREASE THE RISK of catching coronavirus or dying from it?
Most folks are being extra careful during these trying times not to spread or pick up germs when out in public, shopping, working, visiting folks or getting food. Wearing a mask, avoiding touching your face, and washing your hands very well and frequently are all top strategies for lessening chances of catching that scary, deadly “novel” coronavirus. Yet, what about improving your immune system? The media doesn’t even talk about it, at all. Shouldn’t you be just as careful, if not even more so, about feeding your body the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals that boost your immunity, while filtering out known neurotoxins and pesticides that cripple immune system function? It only sounds like common sense, but how difficult is it to put it to work for you all day, every day, maybe from here on out? Recent study reveals direct link between nicotine itself and inflammation, showing detrimental immunological effects So much for the theory that vaping isn’t “that bad” for you. If it’s got...