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Showing posts from September 25, 2016

This November, VOTE TRUMP or prepare for the DEATH of everything you love

  What's the bottom line here? This is your very last chance to help save America. If we lose this election to the globalists, America will not survive the next eight years . ACTION ITEMS: • REGISTER to vote, even if you never normally vote. • VOTE on November 8th, no matter what. • ENCOURAGE others to vote for Trump, and share this article to help explain why. • SHOW your support with yard signs, blog posts, articles, local ads and anything else you can do to help make sure Trump gets elected. Read , and And visit these additional sites on the Natural News network: We either WIN in November, or we witness the death of America. Which do you choose? Learn more:

Medical exemptions for vaccines soon to be eliminated across California

  In California, any medical doctors who oppose the state's mandatory forced vaccinations face prosecution and the possible loss of their licenses to practice medicine, even though the law, known as SB277, states that they are allowed to grant medical exemptions. Science on the safety of vaccines is not settled; in fact, in case after case, vaccines have been reported as spreading infectious diseases, causing neurological disorders like autism, and crippling the immune systems of the "immunized" infants and children. Still, big government and the "nanny" state of California are enforcing the unethical and dangerous practice of injecting mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde into children's muscle tissue, based on the false claim that all vaccines are proven 100 percent safe and 100 percent effective. In fact, they know full well that this is a huge lie that generates more "patients for life" for the doctors who form part of the...