Part of the master plan of billionaire globalists is to reduce the world’s population by a few billion people, starting with minorities, including people who live in Africa, India and the United States. Bill Gates comes right out and says it at those TED conferences, talking about using vaccines to reduce the population by billions . How does that work if they’re supposedly “safe and effective?” You can call it conspiracy theory, but then again, 9/11, NSA’s Prism, Russia Collusion hoax, sham impeachment and this COVID pandemic all scream otherwise. There are plenty of us intelligent, street smart, book smart, common-sense-loving “folks” around who use our brains daily, eat organic food, supplement with natural medicine and keep our guns clean. You see, you have to be “dumbed down” daily and kept there to believe all the lies, cover-ups, and MSMs (mainstream media) narrative. Your IQ must be lowered daily to make you forget what just happened a month or two ago...
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