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Showing posts from November 11, 2018

Easiest way to end cigarette addiction is END cravings naturally

Got DEPRESSION or anxiety? Try supplementing with Mucuna Pruriens to raise your natural dopamine levels More than 40 million adults suffer from depression and anxiety disorders – the two most  common mental illnesses  in America. That’s nearly 20 percent of the population. It’s not uncommon for someone who suffers from depression to also suffer from anxiety, and vice versa. There are natural remedies that are proven by science to help with these conditions – like Mucuna. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Of course, medical doctors blame genetics for depression and anxiety, having no clue that most  conventional food contains pesticides (and way more than you probably think) that can have detrimental effects on the brain and central nervous system. Nearly 50 million Americans are ADDICTED TO CIGARETTES, and they too suffer from anxiety, depression, nervousness, angst, sleeplessness, loss of libido, loss of proper blood flow, arthritis, chronic inflammation, ost...

10 Most ABSURD and BARBARIC medical procedures, surgeries and “treatments” ever

Many “lethal” cures have been tested through the centuries, but several stand out as the most absurd and barbaric ones ever witnessed. Just because something’s been around for hundreds or even thousands of years, or because “everybody” does it, doesn’t mean it works.  To the contrary, some of the most popular medicines today are “epic fail” forms of medical treatment, but somehow the mass media and Big Pharma have still sold folks on them as “mainstream” or “your best chance” at survival, when it’s all just one huge lie perpetuated by falsified research and twisted statistics. Also realize that the term “barbaric” doesn’t have to mean something that dates back to the Dark Ages or caveman days, because there are plenty of “ barbaric cavemen ” practicing medicine today. Let’s take a look at the 10 most barbaric “modern” treatments. #1. Lysol douche for birth control Most consumers know Lysol as that horrific concoction of chemicals people used to spray around their ...

The HEROIN WAR – death toll thousands of times greater for U.S. civilians than soldiers in Afghanistan, thanks to the opium-based prescription drug "invasion"

When psychotic political figures run the "show," psychotic things happen to American citizens. Do we even need to speak the insidious names again of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney in order to make this point? Let's take a moment to review the extreme fallout that's still destroying Americans on our home turf, all while we fight a futile war started on false pretenses in a land where no invading forces have ever won, and where the most dangerous drug on earth is being harvested (and exported to the USA) at exponentially higher rates than before we "invaded." As of this past July, 2018, there have been over 2,300 U.S. military deaths in the War in Afghanistan , and over 20,000 American service members have been wounded in action. Yet, according to federal statistics, here at home, opioid prescription drugs (yes, medications made from heroin) have killed over 33,000 Americans every year since 2015. That means more American civilians are dying ever...