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Showing posts from November 22, 2015

The Best Health News is at - personal liberty addressed today!

"Personal liberty is dissolving in America because the majority roam mindless, accepting anything they hear. The majority, so intoxicated on television and sodium fluoride or hydrofluorosilicic acid, only respond to political sound bites and nice-sounding advertising. People are losing their drive and ability to ask questions and investigate what they are told."   -- L.J. Devon Learn more:

Doctors and Scientists Lied About Cigarettes for Decades, and now they lie about Vaccines and GMO

In the 1930s, American science and health professionals figured out that smoking causes lung cancer. There was irrefutable evidence. At that exact time and place in our history, there were many advertisements in journals and magazines featuring doctors endorsing their favorite brands of cigarettes – talking about how "roasty, toasty" the flavor is, or how smoking aids with digestion, and how smoking is good for your health. Seriously. The AMA – American Medical Association, working in tandem with the FDA – Food and Drug Administration, working in tandem with the CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, decided NOT to step in and stop ANY of these advertisements, and so Big Tobacco reigned on, having up to 20,000 American allopathic liars tell their story about their favorite cigarette, for at least twenty more years . Take a quick look at these atrocities. This commercial even shows the doctor lighting up the cigarette: Camel's 1950 Televisio...