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Doctors and Scientists Lied About Cigarettes for Decades, and now they lie about Vaccines and GMO

In the 1930s, American science and health professionals figured out that smoking causes lung cancer. There was irrefutable evidence. At that exact time and place in our history, there were many advertisements in journals and magazines featuring doctors endorsing their favorite brands of cigarettes – talking about how "roasty, toasty" the flavor is, or how smoking aids with digestion, and how smoking is good for your health. Seriously. The AMA – American Medical Association, working in tandem with the FDA – Food and Drug Administration, working in tandem with the CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, decided NOT to step in and stop ANY of these advertisements, and so Big Tobacco reigned on, having up to 20,000 American allopathic liars tell their story about their favorite cigarette, for at least twenty more years. Take a quick look at these atrocities. This commercial even shows the doctor lighting up the cigarette: Camel's 1950 Television Commercial.

After World War II, also in the 1950s, Nazi scientists were hired by America to work on synthetic agriculture pesticides, using some of the same ingredients (Zyklon-B and fluoride) used to exterminate millions of Jews in the holocaust. These toxins would be sprayed on corn, soy, and yes, tobacco. These toxins, by the mid-1980s, would be gene-infused into crops (genetic modification or "GMO"), so that the corn, soy and tobacco seeds and plants would contain toxins and be immune to being sprayed with them. This would increase profits for Big Tobacco on the front end, and Big Pharma on the other end – for all the brainwashed smokers who would soon be visiting the lying doctors, who sold them on it all, and would be using deadly and expensive surgery, chemotherapy and radiation on them, all of which increase the chances of getting more cancer. Who do you think created chemo? The Nazis.

As Vicky Batts writes in

"By killing off healthy cells, chemotherapy sets patients up to be at a higher risk of developing cancer again within 10-15 years, if the chemo didn't kill them the first time around. In fact, since the debut of chemotherapy, the number of secondary cancers has increased exponentially."

Big Question: What do you get when you mix GM tobacco with ammonia and bleach?

Answer: Click here.

And so all these years the American Medical Association, which published the smoking doctors ads in JAMA, was holding the hands of millions of Americans and walking them down death's corridor, all to make some easy cash. Do you really think it's so different today, in 2015? Do you really think – and think about this hard for a few seconds here – do you really think the FDA, CDC and AMA suddenly changed their ways one day, one year, and decided to protect the health of innocent Americans and stop destroying it for capital gains?

From the BMJ (British Medical Journal) 2011

"The non-scholarly public was slower than scholars and medical professionals to recognize tobacco harms."
Part of that "lag" (and total lack of knowledge) "can be traced to campaigns mounted by the industry to manufacture doubt."
"Deaths caused by some of the world's largest tobacco factories are calculated, and the value of a human life for a cigarette manufacturer is shown to average $10,000."

You've Reached the "Tipping Point"

Are you furious your government is so insidious that they would strategically plan the demise of your health for corporate profits, payouts and payoffs? Are you upset that the regulatory agencies never did apologize for promoting addictive nicotine-loaded and laced cigarettes for decades after science proved that smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer? How upset are you? Upset enough to try a real method to quit cigarettes that's natural, has no side effects, and is the arch-rival nemesis of all these Big Tobacco lies?

Fine. Not quite yet. It's time for you to read something very important. Set aside about ten minutes and gain some knowledge you need to have to have the motivation and the blue print plan for ending your addiction. Here we go:

Read excerpts from the original American History Abstract here:

"Lung cancer was once a very rare disease, so rare that doctors took special notice when confronted with a case, thinking it a once-in-a-lifetime oddity. Mechanisation and mass marketing towards the end of the 19th century popularised the cigarette habit, however, causing a global lung cancer epidemic. Cigarettes were recognised as the cause of the epidemic in the 1940s and 1950s, with the confluence of studies from epidemiology, animal experiments, cellular pathology and chemical analytics. Cigarette manufacturers disputed this evidence, as part of an orchestrated conspiracy to salvage cigarette sales. Propagandising the public proved successful, judging from secret tobacco industry measurements of the impact of denialist propaganda. As late as 1960 only one-third of all US doctors believed that the case against cigarettes had been established. The cigarette is the deadliest artefact in the history of human civilisation."

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and Editor-in-Chief of has this to say about 14AndOut – the all natural method that teaches you how to quit smoking, without medications, in 14 days or less:

"14 & Out offers smokers a new approach to quitting the smoking habit for good – an approach that frees you from all corporation chemicals and their physiological addictions. It does this by addressing smoking addiction with a multi-layered approach, reforming smoking behaviors, detoxifying the body from chemicals that promote addiction, and supporting the body's healthy functioning with a sound nutritional approach that works with the brain's natural chemistry to break addictions at a molecular level."

Kick the smoking habit with nutrition, exercise and mindset!

Watch the FREE TRAILER to the 60-MINUTE COURSE and be on your way to health freedom.

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