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Showing posts from April 20, 2014

Arsenic and aluminum contaminate U.S. tap water supply

Arsenic and aluminum contaminate U.S. tap water supply, but only 5% of the population has a clue – and that’s mostly because their mental capacity to research and understand this has been hampered by heavy metal toxin disorder. Remember, zombies do what the other zombies do, and that is drink tap water and eat arsenic-laden food.   From toxic chicken to “certified organic” from China , foods and drinks in America are laced with IQ lowering toxins, carcinogens, synthetic metal waste from factories, and top it off with Monsanto RoundUp and pesticides.   What to do about it?   The Health Ranger Mike Adams is discovering and sharing vital information and research on these very topics that have NEVER BEFORE been investigated as such. After all, the FDA and the CDC are in bed with Big Pharma, so they certainly aren’t looking out for your health. The latest research shows that children cannot learn properly or to their potential when consuming arsenic...

Don't Eat Cancer! - A documentary film based on the book

Did you know that hospitals serve artificial sweeteners like aspartame, and they serve genetically modified food, like corn oil, canola oil and soybean oil in their cafeterias and in the recovery rooms, all across our great nation? Can you imagine eating pesticides and insecticides while trying to recover from surgery or a sickness in the hospital? Do doctors know?   You simply cannot walk blindly into this modern day conventional food barrage of toxins and expect ideal health. In fact, preventable diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s are not discussed in the right light when you visit the hospital, no matter what your ailment. Why?   From infant to senior, we could all experience longevity without disease and disorder; without this food agent chaos – we could share the health and the wealth - being happy all the while. After all, health is the greatest wealth – just ask a sick rich person.   How can you filter all 70,000 ...

Are you being "socially engineered?" Find out the horrifying truths about the Federal Income Tax - exposed!

  According to Natural News , Mike Adams, in the latest episode of Awakenings , explained why the government doesn't need your money and why the tax code is actually a system of social engineering rather than revenue generation. In the episode, he also covers: • Why the idea that your tax dollars are needed to fund the government is a myth. • How the federal government can -- and does -- create trillions of dollars out of nothing when it wants to (for bailing out wealthy banks). • Why the real purpose of the IRS tax code is to exist as a tool of social control where behaviors can be punished or rewarded by lawmakers and special interests. • How money is created as a debt burden against the People. • Total federal tax revenues are only around $3 trillion annually. • Why the federal income tax could be abolished overnight -- and the government would never run out of money. • How abolishing all federal income taxes could revolutionize the U.S. economy and ...