Toxic Inoculation Nation USA: Injecting nicotine or uranium into your muscle tissue would kill you, but the CDC likes you injecting mercury and aluminum regularly
You can't inject nicotine or uranium into your blood with a vaccine or you would die, so why do millions of people inject mercury, which is still in most vaccines and flu shots? Mercury compounds are STILL used in vaccines as preservatives. The medical establishment ignores its toxicity, including the agencies that oversee safety. Mercury (usually listed in form of Thimerosal on flu shots and vaccines) is the SECOND MOST POISONOUS element known to mankind. Only uranium and its derivatives are more poisonous to people. " Brain neurons rapidly and permanently disintegrate in the presence of mercury within 30 minutes of exposure. Mercury is also known to change a body's chromosomes. The U.S. Government has known about the potential problems of thimerosal (the mercury-containing preservative) for many years. The World Health Organization expressed concerns about it in 1990."