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Showing posts from March 15, 2015

Toxic Inoculation Nation USA: Injecting nicotine or uranium into your muscle tissue would kill you, but the CDC likes you injecting mercury and aluminum regularly

  You can't inject nicotine or uranium into your blood with a vaccine or you would die, so why do millions of people inject mercury, which is still in most vaccines and flu shots? Mercury compounds are STILL used in vaccines as preservatives. The medical establishment ignores its toxicity, including the agencies that oversee safety. Mercury (usually listed in form of Thimerosal on flu shots and vaccines) is the SECOND MOST POISONOUS element known to mankind. Only uranium and its derivatives are more poisonous to people. " Brain neurons rapidly and permanently disintegrate in the presence of mercury within 30 minutes of exposure. Mercury is also known to change a body's chromosomes. The U.S. Government has known about the potential problems of thimerosal (the mercury-containing preservative) for many years. The World Health Organization expressed concerns about it in 1990."

Got a monkey on your back? Escape the cigarette fix without medications ... here's how

  Do you feel trapped? Do you feel captured by nicotine, wicked nicotine? Maybe you're one of the 45 million smokers who live in the USA. Do you smoke a pack a day? Step right up! Do you smoke two packs a day? Step right up! This is the platform, the yellow brick road to the castle of freedom, that rescues thousands of smokers from the plight of 4,000 chemicals in commercial cigarettes. Laced with ammonia, bleach and pesticides, every smoker knows the feeling of being a nervous wreck from cigarette chemicals and needing another cigarette laced with nicotine to temporarily quell that cigarette "hangover" you have from the last smoke. Oh, but HOW will you quit? You have the willpower, but probably not the WAY. You don't want to take those scary medications either. The worse part of taking medications to quit smoking are the side effects. Have you heard? Have you read? People post all over the int...

U.S. Chemtrails? Forget about it. How about 570 tons of lead dropped on your head in one year!

  That's what the EPA says. Over 570 tons of lead fall from the airplanes over US skies each year - don't look up! Especially not with your mouth open. From GMO seeds to GMO spray of pesticide, right on up to the GMO skies, if you live anywhere near an airport or a military base, then wow is what you say, when you look up in the sky and see the chemtrails, and we're talking about the trails that DON'T DISSIPATE for up to an hour or two. Are they making earth hotter or colder, or is it just your neighborhood? Is it your district that's affected, like district 12, maybe? Is this the hunger games? What about spraying sulfur or aluminum aerosols for colder temperatures? I've heard and read that that works. What about controlling regions and ecosystems? What about destroying natural cycles? Can you say Alzheimer's disease is falling from the sky? How much aluminum can your brain take?   How broad does it stretch, this dropping of lead and silver i...

Protect your body and family from the allopathic assault of cigarettes, pharmaceuticals, vaccines and GMO

  Who do you know that smokes, takes medications and could care less about buying organic food? Who do you know that wears too much makeup, drinks too many mixed drinks at the bar, or who always orders enough food for three? Maybe it's you that's being labeled by one of these "allopathic assault" genres, or maybe a handful, either way, what you end up with is a need for chronic medical attention and you might not like what you find. Many large corporations make their biggest bucks from selling products that cost them nearly nothing to manufacture. This goes for drugs. Though you think they're putting in the scientific " manpower " and " man hours " what they're really doing is far from that. Statistics are simply made up out of thin air to suit the needs for contracts. Science is "for sale" folks. Keep reading.   ...