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Showing posts from July 28, 2013

Fresh fruits and vegetables – The government’s initiative towards a healthy living!

According to Natural News , New York Citymade news when they approved of the "Fruit and Vegetables Prescription Program.” As per this program, the doctors can now prescribe fresh fruits and vegetables to patients who are suffering from obesity or overweight problems by offering them “Health Bucks” that can be easily redeemed at any local farmer’s market. But this step is strongly protested by the FDA, because according to them, fruits and vegetables don’t play any role in improving an individual’s health. Although present day knowledge of nutrition and diseases is completely different, the fact remains that it is still a federal policy. And as such, the doctors are promoting unapproved drugs and hence it is violating the federal law. For more information, log onto: Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Linda I. Gibbs, along with Health Commissioner Dr. Th...

80% of Americans living in poverty; a secret statistic the media hides

  The income gap is widening! Are you rich or are you poor? Do you make a couple hundred thousand dollars a year, or do you make $30,000 before taxes, which amounts to about $1700 a month net? Maybe you make $17,000 a year, which amounts to about $900 a month net income. Can you afford the basic necessities, like rent (or mortgage), car loan payment, car insurance, food and gas, and your power bill, which probably goes to some monopoly service? Most people cannot afford health insurance of any kind, and most Americans are not given enough hours a week to be considered full time, so they don’t get any health insurance with their job. Millions of Americans are on food stamps, and they’re using those to buy GMO food, gluten food, bleached food and they’re drinking tap water, which gives them chronic health problems.   Since the housing bubble burst in 2008, millions have either lost their homes, are about to lose their home, are under water as far as loan to val...

Hormone-laden Dannon yogurt contains bug coloring and dead probiotics

  If the commercial on TV says it’s good for you, it’s probably not. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about whole grain cereal, milk, meat, cheese or even yogurt. Hey kids look - it’s colorful and tastes great! Must have bugs ground up and some pesticide-laden high fructose corn syrup in it. Basically folks, TV lies, corporations lie, and people believe what they hear and see, especially if it’s repeated over and over and over. Take fluoride for example; most people still believe it’s good for your teeth because they’ve heard it so many times, from so many people, including dentists and doctors. Little do most know fluoride is a major cause of cancer, brittle bones, and fluoridosis. One of the best proported myths is that yogurt contains enzymes, probiotics and other nutritious elements. Most yogurt comes from cows that are given growth hormones and hormones that make them produce milk twice as often, which in turns gives them udder infections. This pus is passed ...

"What if I found a way for you to quit cigarettes in less than 14 days"

There are roughly one million visitors every month on, and among those visitors, almost every person knows at least one smoker who would love to quit cigarettes for good. Also, every person in the world knows at least one person who is either battling cancer now or who has died from cancer, whether that person is/was a relative, neighbor, spouse, child, friend or coworker. Most people who die of lung cancer were either smokers or they lived with a smoker and inhaled the second hand smoke daily, which has proven to be just as deadly as smoking. Some people try to quit smoking using nicotine gum, some try to quit smoking using electronic cigarettes or “e-cigs,” some people try to stop smoking using medications like Chantix or Zyban, which are very dangerous and toxic to the body, causing nightmares and feelings of suicide. Other smokers try to quit smoking using the nicotine patch, which can be dangerous also and rarely keeps smokers away from cigarettes for very lon...

Food Schemes and Scams are doing more damage than good!

According to Natural News , the recent ban on normal soda beverage consumption by Mayor Bloomberg of New York is reflective of the government’s lack of proper health initiative measures. The promotion of diet sodas will do more harm than regular sodas as they are far more toxic than normal sodas with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). It is true that the presence of HFCS gives rise to obesity and diabetes, the presence of aspartame in diet soda causes Alzheimer’s and neurological damage. So under this new plan, New Yorkers will be exposed more to neurotoxic aspartame. For more information, log onto: The public school lunch scheme devised by Michelle Obama, which amounts to $3.2 billion, is a big failure. In fact, one of the schools in New York has decided to axe it after their students complained of starvation and hunger. Wonder what led to this. The Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake School near Schen...