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Showing posts from April 4, 2021

On a NICOTINE BINGE? Welcome to the beginning of the end

How many years have gone by for you, saying you’re going to quit, over and over again? What’s your poison? Is it cigarettes or that little vape gadget that’s got you hooked on the world’s third-most-addictive drug? Where does the addiction end, and longevity begin? We’ve got a simple answer for you, and it’s called your pivot point. This is the fulcrum of your lifestyle change. Knowledge is power, and once you have that knowledge, all you have to do is act on it. This is the beginning of the end of your nicotine binge, or someone you know who wishes they had the roadmap that leads them out of the labyrinth and away from one of health’s vicious downward spirals, better known as nicotine addiction. There was a man who smoked so many cigarettes each day that he even smoked while taking a shower A binge is defined as a period of excessive indulgence in a certain activity, especially eating, drinking or taking drugs. Though many consumers only view smoking or vaping as a habit, time becomes...