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Showing posts from March 17, 2013

Leave artificial foods and embrace organics to have a long and healthy life

    There is hardly anyone in this world who does not want to live a long life. But it is not possible to achieve that with the chemical laden, toxic and harmful foods that we eat every day. Natural News exposes that prolonged consumption of processed meat products can increase the risk of an early death to a large extent. The BMC Medicine journal has published a recent study in which it has been concluded that consumption of processed meat may enhance the risk of dying early by almost 50 percent. Learn more on the news at   Ursula Arens from the British Dietetic Association or BDA opines that it is not normal meat but processed meat that actually creates the problem. Processed meats contain several preservatives, additives and chemicals that alter its properties like taste, shelf life and nutritional value. These added chemicals can cause serious physic...

Natural News reveals history of how antibiotics have bred Superbugs

    The general public normally largely depends on modern medicine in order to get rid of the agony of diseases, but the history of these medicines, when studied carefully, reveals more agonizing truths. Natural News has published a well researched book titled 25 Amazing Facts About the Hidden History of Medicine in which it has explored the history of modern medicine. How many of us know that the chemotherapy agents that are used today to treat cancer patients originated from the mustard gas, a deadly chemical weapon used during both world wars? The books has it all and many more facts about modern medicine that were carefully kept hidden from human eyes. Learn more at: .   If you think that modern antibiotics can save you, you are grossly running short of wit. Health Ranger Mike Adams opines that as a matter of fact, antibiotics are slowly killing people by paving the way for superbu...