Look, over there, you've been hoodwinked! There's a huge HEALTH distraction and you can't miss it. It's advertised well. It says it's "proven safe and effective" and it's even approved by the FDA, the Fraud and Drug Administration. For 100 years now, since 1915, the AMA, American Medical Association, has been suppressing vitamin and mineral cures for 900 different nutrient "deficiency" diseases. Did you know? Since WWII, pharmaceutical corporations have been designing chemical medicine to ward off the symptoms of "toxic food disease," also known as cancer and Alzheimer's, those diseases where the cells, the brain, the filtering organs and the central nervous system just can't process anymore pesticide, so they break down and fail. After World War II, food processing plants became abundant in Eastern cities and people moved near them for work. And so, processing "cancer" food wa...
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