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Showing posts from November 1, 2015

Top Nutritionist Recommendation for Quitting Smoking STARTING TODAY!

  Millions of people don't quit smoking because they've already wasted major money on "quit methods" that don't work, or don't work for them. The pills give you intolerable nightmares, feelings of suicide and other "side effects" that should be banned entirely from the system of healing. It's absolutely ridiculous that Big Medicine can advertise such fraud and get away with it. Medications try to control your dopamine and serotonin supply to the brain, but it's not a balanced, safe science and using chemicals to try to do this is dangerous, to say the least. That's what the nicotine does anyway - - it controls your emotions by controlling your "feel good" body chemistry. Nicotine pulls you from the funk - the ill feeling that something's just wrong, bad, ominous, lurking - you know, that paranoid feeling you're not going to feel good anytime soon, unless you have a cigarette. People in jail will do just about anyth...

Top 9 Shills and Hucksters of the Biotech Industry - by S.D. Wells

It's time for you to meet some of the best-paid puppets of the chemical-agriculture industrial complex of the USA. The biotech industry in general has a deep-seeded interest in controlling the world's seeds, modifying them by inserting the genes of toxic pesticides and declaring it is the way to save a starving, depleted, diseased world. These are the "headmasters" of propaganda, the worst type of characters on Earth, selling poisonous food and its "technology" to the public and regulatory officials under the cloaks of "journalism," "science," "education" or all of the above. A "sellout" will speak only positively about GMO agriculture, always selling the public on the safety and security of the whole industry of agrichemical science. First, let's review the following relevant terms: Shill : An accomplice of a hawker, gambler or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage ot...

Hitler's new right arm–Monsanto

Walk slowly through a field of crops being sprayed with Monsanto's toxic herbicide called Roundup and try to breathe deeply as you inhale some of the same ingredients used in Zyklon B, the death chamber gasses Hitler used to kill about 3,000,000 people just 70 years ago. Do exactly what the MD and the oncologist tell you to do and you find yourself nauseated for hours on end, with an immune system that's totally incapacitated by the very medicine (chemotherapy) designed by Nazi scientists AFTER they were released from prison for mass murder and then hired by U.S. pharmaceutical companies and corporations. Stroll slowly through an American superstore or grocery store and nine out of every ten products contain pesticides, heavy metal toxins, synthetic cell-mutating additives and preservatives, artery-clogging animal fat, insecticide-laced corn sugar and other KNOWN carcinogens the FDA allows in food. Step into any U.S. clinic, grocery store, elementary school, or pharm...