MASS POPULATION REDUCTION is the underlying goal of the Democrat-Socialist agenda, from last-day abortions and deadly vaccines to illegal immigration and gun control
One major difference between Democrats and Republicans is that most Democrats’ thoughts are clouded by mainstream media hype and the highly subjective, emotionally-charged, “current event” and scripted “official narrative” news, while most Republicans keep the big picture in mind, knowing fake news is always a cover for a long-term, more insidious agenda. If you’ve noticed lately, the Left has shifted to an extremely radicalized FAR left, into a deep-seeded rage of hostility, fear, frustration, and a much more obvious cult-like mentality. The ultimate goal of this “chess match” has been uncovered and revealed by truth media. For the far Left, the end justifies the means, and the ultimate “end” goal is mass population reduction by any means possible (just like with Hitler). It’s the underlying, concurrent theme of everything they’re preaching right now, and it’s blatantly obvious, except to the “sheeple” on the Left who are blindly following the “herd” right off the cliff...