It's one thing to sit around stressed out because something out of your control went wrong, or has been going wrong, or just isn't going the way you planned, but then it's another thing to "shoot yourself in the foot" –meaning literally putting yourself through pain in order to assure yourself more pain, but that's what smokers do. It starts when you purchase the pack or carton and have to take out your wallet or purse to pay. The pain keeps coming though, while putting out the cigarette , in the ashtray, on the pavement or in the cigarette receptacle outside the office–knowing that when that nicotine wears off, the chemical hangover is on its way, and you will be subject to the interval of time (just before smoking the next one), where the nicotine from the last cigarette has worn off, and all that unnecessary pain comes, worrying, anxious, fretting even, about anything and everything. It's called chemically-induced stress , and what comes n...
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