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Showing posts from March 2, 2014

Take control of your life - Don't Eat Cancer! - Modern Day Cancer Prevention is Here!

In the United States, cancer statistically now strikes half of all men, and a third of all women. Those tough odds are compounded by the odds of surviving that cancer. Why is this happening, and what factors can improve our chances? The rise of diseases now typical of Western society has coincided oddly enough with the industrialization of the modern diet - food allergies, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, GERD, peptic ulcers, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome... and ultimately cancer. How does our food supply contribute to this common thread of illness, debilitation and early death? The answer is staring us in the face - chemicals! The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which most Americans believe is in place to protect our food and guard our health, has instead allowed more than 70,000 chemicals to infiltrate our food supply. Many of these dangerous ingredients are outright toxins, and until we stop eating them...

Are you shortening your years on Planet Earth?

You may have been sleeping on sheets washed in laundry detergents containing chemicals like sulfates, perfumes and dyes. Your skin can easily absorb these, especially if you sweat. Hop out of bed and head to the bathroom, where you might be brushing your teeth with fluoride, whiteners and dyes that contain heavy metals. Many mouthwashes contain sorbitol, sucralose, aspartame or any combination of toxic artificial sweeteners, not to mention artificial coloring and artificial flavors made from chemicals. Most people use deodorants and antiperspirant that contains aluminum , chemicals and parabens. If you are female, you may be using synthetic and toxic cosmetics that contain whale blubber, heavy metals, parabens and phthalates. ( ) Head to the kitchen now, where you have a little snack to start your day -- this might consist of a Danish, a doughnut, a bowl of cereal, a bagel or a muffin, and all of these most likely include genetically modified ...

Natural News Blog celebrates 100,000 visitors!

100,000 Visitors   Hey Natural News bloggers and writers, thank you for supporting our natural health news blog! You rock :)   Click any of the following organic links to learn more about YOUR health and natural news:

Be aware of the vaccines that are given to your child!

According to Natural News , there are now about 25 or more cases, and counting, of a new "polio-like" outbreak in California children. Disease control officials have yet to determine the cause of the outbreak, and they are looking for a new virus. Perhaps one direction they should take a look at is polio and other childhood vaccinations. Initial reports have indicated that the children being affected by the new disease have all been vaccinated against polio. The scenario of children vaccinated against polio and other illnesses coming down with a "polio-like" illness is all too familiar. Look for example at what happened in India when widespread polio vaccinations were used to reportedly eradicate polio from India. India's polio vaccination experience: After years of massive administration of the polio vaccine, India was declared polio-free, and the last reported incidence of polio in India was in January 2011. Although the reported milestone ...