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Showing posts from April 27, 2014

How to naturally stop smoking cigarettes – and never go back!

14 & Out ... A 90 minute class you’ll never forget, but always thank!   Intro: Knowledge is King Learn the BIG secret of WHY cigarettes are so addictive . Find out how Marlboro and Kool hooked an entire nation of smokers in one year , nearly putting every other cigarette manufacturer out of business! Find out the 4 unlisted secret ingredients that keep you sick and tired, heading for early death. Understand why " cold-turkey" quitters go back , and why the patch, gum, and pills rarely keep smokers away for long. Learn stress reduction techniques without smoking. Finally, once and for all, you will despise cigarettes, and never go back!     This class is the end of your habit!     Preview/Trailer and Program highlights: Main website for class and video guide:       21 Questions and Answers! Learn the answers to the 21 questi...

Are you depending on the “cigarette ritual” to get you through the day?

  My neighbors smoke. They seem to have a lot going on in their front yard and driveway every day and they do most of it with a cigarette in their mouth, whether lit or not, doesn’t matter to them. The excitement, it seems, of smoking “soon” is enough to rile them up into activity, and with the cigarette, they buzz around, doing a little in the garden, cleaning their car out, or just playing ball with the dog. This man and woman behave in the same exact manner with a cigarette, going through lots of ritualistic movements, getting ready to smoke or getting stuff done before the nicotine stick is fully smoked. I notice all of this because I want to understand how to help them quit, if there is a way.   There is a famous saying that goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” I wonder. How many smokers have the will to quit, when it seems to me that will power is generated by nutrition, and how many smokers in the world practice a lick of it? Most will tell you th...

Think twice before you consume Canola Oil!

  According to Natural News , canola oil can have detrimental effects on your health, especially the genetically modified (GM) canola that Monsanto manufactures for the masses to consume. The omega-3 fatty acids of processed canola oil are transformed during the deodorizing process into trans fatty acids. The reason why canola is particularly unsuitable for consumption is that it contains a very-long-chain fatty acid called erucic acid, which under some circumstances is associated with fibrotic heart lesions. A biochemist would tell you that canola oil has higher levels of trans fatty acids than soybean oil and other toxic GMO "hybrid" oils that the masses use on a regular basis. This would include the hydrogenated vegetable oils cottonseed, safflower and corn. For more information, log onto: Scores of scientists have condemned a journal editor's retraction of a study that...