Propagating GMOs seems to be the one and only objective of the U.S. government. Regardless of the fact that GMOs almost inevitably cause deadly diseases, the government is relentless in its effort to propagate the use of GMOs in the market. But Natural News reports that this undue affinity of the government towards GMOs has now has led to a serious hazard. It is now being reported by the USDA that fields in Oregon have been found to grow genetically engineered wheat. It is to be kept in mind that genetically engineered wheat is not permitted for commercial production and sale. Hence it may be a result of GMO contamination from the fields of 16 states where GMO wheat was grown on experimental basis and now all the wheat produced in the U.S. is under suspicion. Know more on this at . The United States government is so much fond of GMOs that it is considering going into a d...
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