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Showing posts from February 23, 2014

This is the weekend you quit smoking!

What if you could look back at a particular day, or say a weekend, and remember that it was the weekend you quit that awful habit of inhaling chemicals. What if you could name the day, the time, even the minute when you learned exactly how to quit and you did it? Would that not be a moment to remember forever, the weekend you extended your life by 10 to 20 years? Pesticide, insecticide, bleach, ammonia, plastic and glass wool are just a few of the chemicals used to make commercial cigarettes an efficient nicotine delivery device that has more than 45,000,000 Americans hooked and suffering. What a waste of money. What a waste of health! It is said that half of smokers wish they could quit but just don't know how. Does someone close to you have to die of cancer to scare you into quitting? Could you or WOULD you quit cold turkey if you found out that YOU had cancer? There is preventive medicine, in the form of food, that can kill the cravings of cigarettes and nicotin...

Officially the weekend you quit smoking. Let's do this!

Cleanse your body of parasites (Big Tobacco and GMO food) and you will feel the difference immediately. Learn more:

All too familiar “polio-like” illnesses strike California children – maybe they have NPAFP - Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis

  The story of five children with poor limb function in California has apparently hit the “world media” – well, I mean the U.S. mainstream media, like a bombshell, and everyone is starting to worry about a Polio outbreak that could hit like a Tsunami!   These five children have Polio-like syndrome, sources are saying. Quick, check to see if they are from India , or if they were living there 3 years ago, when Polio was supposedly wiped out with vaccines! If it’s enterovirus-68 – well then, quarantine the cluster of five “leppers” because that will keep them away from the rest of the herd. Yes, America the herders. We love our herding theory. Get those unvaccinated, healthy kids away from our infected vaccinated kids who have come down with some weird (GMO) version of the real thing, the one that paralyzes whole nations, except for America , where everyone has built up antibodies to defeat it! ( Two children tested positive for enterovirus-68, a rare virus prev...

Water depletion – A serious concern. Act before it is too late!

According to Natural News , the largest underground freshwater supply in the world, stretching from South Dakota all the way to Texas, is being pumped dry. It provides crucial water resources for farming in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and even New Mexico. Known as the Ogallala Aquifer, it is literally being sucked dry by the tens of thousands of agricultural wells that tap into it across the heartland of America. This problem with all this is that the Ogallala Aquifer isn't being recharged in any significant way from rainfall or rivers. This is so-called "fossil water," because once you use it, it's gone. And it's disappearing now faster than ever. In some regions along the aquifer, the water level has dropped so far that it has effectively disappeared -- places like Happy, Texas, where a once-booming agricultural town has collapsed to a population of just 595. All the wells drilled there in the 1950s tapped into the Ogallala Aquifer and seemed to prov...

Preppers are in the millions now, not the tens of thousands, for the BIG FOOD Doomsday!

  Everybody is engaging in prepping now, in some way or another. Ever since Sandy Super Storm hit Jersey and wiped everyone living near the shoreline completely out, people realize what it means to be without electricity, food, drinkable water and fuel for weeks if not months. People are starting to buy generators, heirloom seeds, dozens of 5 gallon jugs of water, water purification kits, emergency kits, storable food by the pounds, organic soil, and they’re stockpiling cash on hand because everyone knows the big banks could all shut down on a “dime” – all on one big bad day.   But what if you’re prepping all wrong, and you’re buying GMO storable food, and you aren’t so good at indoor gardening or even outdoor, and it takes you too long to grow food, while some financial, economic and resource apocalypse strikes America, gas prices are unbelievable, the shelves are cleared of all food at the grocery stores, and people are panicking in the streets of every big ...

Anyone who saw Terminator I - knows that “SkyNet” is real right now, so what is next for computers running Earth?

    There is a flash-forward scene in the first “Terminator” movie Arnold Schwarzenegger stars in that makes your skin crawl. It will send a shiver down your spine, the first time you see it, especially if you’re in a movie theatre with surround sound and captivated by it. The scene is of huge drones flying at night, using infrared, and shooting “rebels” on the ground with perfect precision, heat tracing their fire and blowing up everything that moves in the “districts” they completely control, and even in the slums where the “infidels” are hiding, near starving children and freezing families. Everywhere is a war zone.   Then Schwarzenegger, the terminator, lands on Earth. He is the human robot who can outsmart and out-track nearly every human, except John Connor and his mother Sarah.   Now, why on “earth” would robots turn and attack humans or better yet, why...

Nicotine addiction ends after just four days

Kicking a cigarette addiction is 10% physical and 90% mental, but what most people don't know is that the mental part only works if it is "enhanced" and supplemented by organic, nutrient-loaded food. Why? Because even though the physiological nicotine addiction ends a few days after quitting smoking, the craving to feel "normal" is in full swing, and any stress or emotional imbalance that occurs will draw on the body's nutrient base, of which most new non-smokers have little to none left. Most willful "cold-turkey" quitters need a guide, not just willpower, in order to survive the first 14 days without lighting up again. Beware of mass-marketing cessation scams There is a right way to escape cigarettes, and then there are the mass-marketed ways that lead to other addictions or even more anxiety and wrecked nerves. The best way to stop smoking is to use an all-natural method free from medications and nicotine. This means behavior ...

Everybody is prepping now for the Economic Tsunami! - Health Ranger has great tips

  Everybody is engaging in prepping now, in some way or another. Ever since Sandy Super Storm hit Jersey and wiped everyone living near the shoreline completely out, people realize what it means to be without electricity, food, drinkable water and fuel for weeks if not months. People are starting to buy generators, heirloom seeds, dozens of 5 gallon jugs of water, water purification kits, emergency kits, storable food by the pounds, organic soil, and they’re stockpiling cash on hand because everyone knows the big banks could all shut down on a “dime” – all on one big bad day.   But what if you’re prepping all wrong, and you’re buying GMO storable food, and you aren’t so good at indoor gardening or even outdoor, and it takes you too long to grow food, while some financial, economic and resource apocalypse strikes America, gas prices are unbelievable, the shelves are cleared of all food at the grocery stores, and people are panicking in the streets of every big...

12 potentially life-threatening errors you're making in food preparedness and survival strategies - Health Ranger inside look

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, posts today: "Only the wildly ignorant don't store extra food for emergency preparedness. Even the federal government's program urges people to "have a plan" and make a disaster supplies kit which contains, "at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food" -- just enough to keep you alive until FEMA arrives and screws everything up." Learn more: What are you storing? GMOs? Do you rotate your stored food by eating what you stored? The Health Ranger spells it all out for you. Make sure your plan is solid and organic!