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This is the weekend you quit smoking!

What if you could look back at a particular day, or say a weekend, and remember that it was the weekend you quit that awful habit of inhaling chemicals. What if you could name the day, the time, even the minute when you learned exactly how to quit and you did it? Would that not be a moment to remember forever, the weekend you extended your life by 10 to 20 years?

Pesticide, insecticide, bleach, ammonia, plastic and glass wool are just a few of the chemicals used to make commercial cigarettes an efficient nicotine delivery device that has more than 45,000,000 Americans hooked and suffering. What a waste of money. What a waste of health! It is said that half of smokers wish they could quit but just don't know how. Does someone close to you have to die of cancer to scare you into quitting?

Could you or WOULD you quit cold turkey if you found out that YOU had cancer? There is preventive medicine, in the form of food, that can kill the cravings of cigarettes and nicotine, but very few people in the universe know what they are. Plus, medical colleges and the overreaching "search for the cure for cancer" do not educate anyone about nutrition as a cure for disease, mainly because the FDA and the CDC will not allow any company or food product to state that they can cure anything, not disease, disorder or addiction. Yet the commercials on TV for toxic medications claim whatever they want to, as long as they list or state (subliminally usually) the side effects.

This is the weekend you are reading about chemical addiction, behavior modification and nutrition as a blueprint for breaking the chain, the chain smoker chain. This is the weekend you start a 14-day weaning off of nicotine and remove 4,000 chemicals from your hourly intake. This is the weekend your body thanks you sincerely, for doing a 180-degree turn and about-facing this horrific habit that's getting the best of you, taking away your drive, your ambition, your health and your overall happiness.

End the misery, starting right now!

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