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Showing posts from January 25, 2015

Aluminum is a leading cause of Alzheimer's - who knew?

  Aluminum is a leading cause of Alzheimer's - who knew? It's in your food, your personal care products, your antacids, your tap water and yes, its injected into muscle tissue of humans via flu shots and vaccines. What an insidious plan by the government, CDC and FDA to pollute our sources and then charge an arm and a leg, pardon the pun, for healthcare that's really just sick care. What will you do now that YOU KNOW where to find aluminum in your blood, brain and refrigerator?   Aluminum in vaccines can also cause Autism, it's not just the mercury they inject into our babies - Did you know?   The flu shot ITSELF killed 13 people in Italy recently, did you know THAT?   Could it have been the fact that people are injecting al...

The extent of the pseudoscience behind the flu shot scam

  According to Natural News , the flu shot is a fraud. But it's a fraud that's so deeply embedded in the pro-vaccine culture of the pharma-controlled medical industry that even well-meaning doctors and pharmacists fail to realize flu shots don't work. In fact, flu shot vaccine inserts openly admit there is no scientific evidence demonstrating flu shots work. See the vaccine insert photos at the link below for proof. This is probably why people who receive the flu shot almost never receive the insert sheet. It's not handed out by doctors and pharmacists because they don't want people to realize the extent of the pseudoscience behind the flu shot scam. It's so much easier to demand blind obedience while screaming "SCIENCE!" than to actually allow people to read the science and realize the science conclusively states there is " decrease in influenza disease after vaccination." In fact, most people who have taken flu shots are...

How to quit smoking in a natural way! Pregnant women follow these solutions for a healthy child and a healthy you!

According to Natural News , if you are planning to get pregnant or already pregnant or have just given birth, then it is time that you stop smoking immediately. You must have read about how smoking is harmful for women and the serious consequences it can have on your health as well as the health of your child. If you have the will, Natural News health enthusiasts know the way, and so do thousands of ex-smokers who are now their own health enthusiasts, raising children in a smoke-free environment they so deserve. A study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) proved that secondhand smoke increases a baby's vulnerability to nicotine addiction. Simply riding in an enclosed vehicle while someone else puffs away has a direct impact on the brain similar to that of the smoker. In other words, the exhale of the smoker contains enough nicotine to bind receptors in the brain in the same way direct inhaling would. This in fact increases the likelihood that the baby will ...

"Funvax?? - Leaked Pentagon & Dept. of Defense video revealed about religious fanatics vaccine!

  What's the vaccine for the fundamentalists? Does the US Government force vaccinate people with a strong belief system they don't like? What the heck is happening here:   "Intents, beliefs and desires" a target for vaccines by US Government to regulate behavior - Shall we call the delivery method chem-trails? Religious "fanatics" have been the target of a stealth air vaccine campaign. Who knew? The DOD knew. That's who knew. And just what is a fanatic, someone who loves God too much? What if they abide by all laws, pay taxes and feed the homeless, but they love talking about God all day to everyone?   DOD's "FunVAx" - the religious vaccine for religious fundamentalists   Do you have the VMATT-2 gene? You could be a threat to America ! We just need your address so we can spray the area. It's still safe to play in the yard, with the kids, when the planes fly over head and make those pretty white cloudy streaks ...