Over 100 million Americans right now suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes. This puts them at risk for amputations and even going blind. Have you been told by M.D.s or other know-it-alls, “Don’t eat anything that has sugar in it or turns to sugar in your body?” They remind you of the condition where there’s “too much sugar in your blood.” This is American medical advice getting regurgitated by chemical-medicine hucksters. “No pasta, no rice, no fruit, no potatoes, and no bread!” You have over done sugar, they tell you, and now you must inject insulin for the rest of your life in order to “control” your blood sugar and survive. You can not be healed of this – so the myth goes. But wait. Japan has one of the lowest rates of diabetes in the world, and no doctors there tell their patients this U.S. propaganda and supposedly “science-based” consumption advice. Noodles and rice, ironically, are staples in the diet there. So what gives? Could every single U.S. medical docto...
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