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Showing posts from November 16, 2014

Don't Eat the Dirt!

There's an old fable about a fly that gets trapped in a window and dies there because it can't get out of the house to find food. It tried every crevice of that window over and over, but there was no way to get outside. Unfortunately, for the fly, other windows in the house were wide open, but it failed to ever leave the one it was trapped in, to venture over to check and see. In that same light, human beings are "stuck in their windows" - eating the same food that comes from the same dirt, that's polluted with pesticides like herbicide and insecticide.*   The year is 2014, almost 2015, and millions of people are eating dead food that comes from dead dirt, and their early death will likely come from a lack of nutrition and an overload of pesticide, rather than from some communicable sickness or infectious disease. They will die of "natural causes," but they will have no clue what those causes are. No Western Medicine doctor will tell them and...

How Jon Entine has misused the media to confuse thousands about genuine and authentic news

  Be Careful, ACSH is a trick, not a treat!   According to NaturalNews , John Entine and the American Council on Science and Health have offered to help Syngenta. An internal email disclosed in documents obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy , as part of a major lawsuit against Syngenta, shows that the ACSH received regular money and even asked for additional funding from “Syngenta friends“ to commission a book that would, in large part, be a defense of atrazine: “As we made clear, ACSH is eager to commission a literature review on the general subject of pesticide exposure and human health. The paper would, of course, not be exclusively about atrazine, but the recent and ongoing ‘controversy’ would be a primary focus.” ACSH said it was committing $100,000 to the project – funding that was “separate and distinct from general operating support Syngenta has been so generously providing over the years, which we request to continue at current or inc...

GMO Front-Man and Biotech Propagandist - Jon Entine: A man with two sides!

According to NaturalNews , Jon Entine is a corporate propagandist and pseudo-journalist who utilizes his media contacts to promote the opinions and positions of chemical corporations, by posing as an independent journalist. Entine has multiple, documented ties to biotech companies Monsanto and Syngenta, and plays a key propaganda role via another industry front group known as the American Council on Science and Health, a thinly veiled corporate front group that Sourcewatch describes as holding “a generally apologetic stance regarding virtually every other health and environmental hazard produced by modern industry, accepting corporate funding from Coca-Cola, Kellogg, General Mills, PepsiCo, and the American Beverage Association, among others.” Entine's deep involvement in the propaganda of poison-pushing corporations is also reflected in his own personal life, where he remains embattled in a bitter seven-year divorce during which he engaged in highly questionable behavio...

Wake up!! The Mass Media and your Leaders are Lying and they even admit to it!

  From Media and Biotech Shills right to the top and the architect of Obamacare (Carelessness Act), the American people are being swindled into eating cancer food and having their insurance rates double or triple to get chemotherapy coverage to treat cancer food disease. It's that simple, and Obama and his Big Pharma/Biotech/Wall Street cohorts think America 's full of dumb voters who don't know anything or what's good for 'em.   Lies about Healthcare Act:   "They think you're stupid, that they can pull the wool over your eyes, they know more than you do and that they know what's good for you, and it's best to simply keep you in the dark. So why lie to the American people -- and make no mistake, we were lied to -- starting with "you can keep your healthcare plan and your doctor" to "this is not a tax, it's a penalty."   But think about it -- how could we possibly have a law that would cover millions mo...

And you thought conspiracy theory was just for the paranoid - Retired Judge says Obama conspired his healthcare "Act"

This breaking news on Natural "Americans are honest people. We respect authority and believe our commander-in-chief would only tell the truth, never thinking he would lie," said Pirro. "Now it may be my background -- but when someone lies and admits they perpetrated a fraud and picks a victim they think they can fool, which costs that victim money, they should be prosecuted for fraud. When more than one person is involved and there are meetings on how to perpetuate the fraud, it becomes a conspiracy." Learn more:

Stop Smoking in 60 Minutes - Natural News Tracker reveals 100% Natural Method

    How could you possibly watch a one-hour video and then never have another cigarette as long as you live? There is a natural method that's sweeping the nation and not enough people know about it. But first, let's cover why you probably don't want to choose the other methods out there that barely help anyone quit smoking and are usually a complete waste of money, time, energy, and most of all, do NOT help your health:   Statistical Success versus Failure of other "Quit Smoking" Methods   #1. Medications   (Chantix and Zyban)   Understanding why suicide is a side effect of smoking cessation pills is of ultimate importance to smokers considering taking the drug. Several lawsuits have been filed because the manufacturers of these pills do not provide ample warning. Smoking cessation pills simply make anxiety and depression worse. Chantix blocks nicotine receptor sites in the brain in order to reduce nicotine cravings, but...

Biotech & GMO Front Man, Jon Entine, busted in court for chemical and domestic violence

  Some people in this world have values and ethics, and others don't. It's that simple. Would you write a column or a professional review of someone and ruin their reputation if you got paid to do it? What if that person were an honest, hard-working person who gave every waking hour to helping people prevent cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease? Would you still "ruin them" in writing for a handsome paycheck? What if you had to worry about being sued for all the money you were paid to write it - what then?   Like we said earlier, some people have values and ethics, and some don't. Jon Entine, writer for, is not one of those people with either of those traits. No. Jon Entine, Biotech Front Man (liar and shill) is a man who purposely ruins people's reputations while treating his family like trash. His poor wife and daughter have been put through the ringer for over 8 years, har...

Guessing time is gone! Biotech shills will do ANYTHING to drive you to your grave, like bad-mouthing Natural News and Mike Adams

    Does your news about health and safety ABUSE you? In other words, to keep it simple, is bad education the root of your major problems concerning your health? Did you know the White House pushes information about pesticide food to foster Obamacare dividends? Yes, it rolls "down hill" as they say, but one should never drink from a river where people are defecating up stream, that's just common sense. So where do you get your information about health and safety - from TV news, or other mainstream "lamestream" media outlets that sell you junk science, synthetic drugs for pain, and chemotherapy for medicine? Guess who writes for these BIG SHILLS? -Smaller shills. Chump shills. People who get paid to lie, cheat and steal. People who get sued and know they're going to get sued but don't care because the payout is greater than the lawsuit, and ANY publicity is good publicity, in their minds ....   Except when the court documents reve... contributing writer Jon Entine exposed! His wife pleaded w/court over domestic violence and child abuse contributing writer Jon Entine, long known as a biotech shill and pesticide apologist, committed physical violence against his wife and psychologically traumatized his own daughter, according to court documents now revealed in this comprehensive, five-part investigative article by Natural News . The documents, shown below, reveal how his wife pleaded for court protection against domestic violence and child abuse and sought a restraining order against Entine to halt Jon Entine from "physically, verbally and / or psychologically abusing, annoying, harassing or injuring" herself or their young female daughter. Learn more: Track Natural News Daily with the " Natural News Tracker "