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Showing posts from July 26, 2015

Inhaling secondhand vapor from electronic cigarettes - it's TOXIC!

  First off, here are the facts about secondhand smoke concerning commercial cigarettes, and then we'll take a closer look at secondhand smoke from electronic cigarettes, or "e-cigs" as many users call them. The main concern with electronic cigarettes lies in the fact that the people who use nicotine are exhaling the same amount of nicotine, and maybe even trumped-up MORE, thanks to artificial additives and other chemicals. That means that if a commercial cigarette, which is already jacked up with ammonia to make the nicotine vapor-ready, is exhaled, then the person who breathes that in could be getting two hundred milligrams of nicotine per cigarette. When speaking of electronic cigarettes, those nicotine doses can vary greatly, but still from about ten to twenty milligrams on average, and on down to zero for the people who just "vape" for the fun of it and don't want or need the nicotine, like much of the younger generation. Secondhand smoke fro...

Jade Helm 15 and the A1-Terminator Scenarios are Playing Out Across America right now!

  According to NaturalNews , on The Daily Sheeple news website, a poster going by the handle of Level9News has posted a 38-minute YouTube video explaining why she believes that JADE Helm is an AI-centric exercise. It's possible, say analysts who believe that JADE is an acronym for a Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)-developed AI quantum computing technology that is capable of producing holographic battlefield simulations. The technology, they say, is heading up the drill in order to "master the human" domain and learn to predict human responses. She begins by noting that Raytheon, one of the world's largest defense contractors, has a program called BBN Technologies, which, according to Level9News, is essentially "innovation on demand." According to the BBN Technologies site: Raytheon BBN Technologies is one of Raytheon's premier research and development centers. Our diverse res...