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Showing posts from November 17, 2013

Superfoods end the smoking habit

How great would your New Year be if you quit smoking? Did you know that most cessation programs are just gimmicks to get you to switch to another addiction? Imagine trying to quit a chemical addiction (nicotine, ammonia and bleach) while eating food that is nutrient deficient (GMO and processed) and/or taking medication that is cooked in a laboratory and doesn't heal you (symptom cosmetics). Imagine 46 million smokers just in the United States and half of them WANT to quit but don't have any idea how. Now consider that each of those 23,000,000 human beings has the WILL to quit, but no road map and no real solution. Sometimes in life the solution to a problem is staring us right in the face, but we overlook it. Why is that? Mass Media Hypnosis and Western Medicine Snake Oil Do you have recurring headaches? Do you feel lethargic daily, except right after you smoke a cigarette? Do you have problems sleeping through the night or having regular bowel movements? Don'...

Cancer CURE smear campaign continues, decades later, for Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski

  Thanks USA Today, for jumping on the bandwagon, the one that beats down a proven cure for even the worst, most fatal cancers, and once again helping the American Masses remain in the dark about the cure for their most feared atrocity. Thanks USA Today, you remind me of Dr. Oz when he stabbed the organic world of food in the back, saying it was for snobs and elitists. Thank you USA Today, for riding the I.G. Farben train, the one that’s going off the health “cliff.” Thanks USA Today, for acting like the FDA, and trying to bury an innocent man while he’s still breathing, and doing Nobel prize worthy scientific work, and curing people of Stage IV cancer, and curing kids of brain cancer, and more. Thanks a lot!   “ Mashing together just the right combination of heartbreaking anecdotes, manipulated data points and generally false accusations, USA Today 's Liz Szabo completely marginalizes the work of Dr. Burzynski in her shameless ridicule, while at the same time c...

Hospital in bitter custody battle over teen girl – 9 months and counting child held “captive” and force medicated

  Its medical tyranny in the United States of America and this is the epitome, the latest “precedent-setting” case that gives power to hospitals over parents who disagree with diagnosis of their children and their teens, and if they think differently about chronic care management, it’s up to the hospital to decide about custody. A teenager is literally trapped inside a hospital with what seems to be no way out. An active 15 year old girl who ice skates and loves spending time with her family is stuck under “custody” in a bazarro - “clockwork orange” type of propaganda and control trip. It’s the twilight zone meets Tales from the Crypt. The evil doctors have the girl, and they won’t give her back, but the organic forces of the universe are collaborating to rescue her and give her back to her kind loving parents who eagerly await her return. But wait, we’re caught in limbo, for 9 months, and what seems like a lifetime, because this is REALITY, the Boston Children’s Hos...

Is Franken-Rice a Food Drug?

  Is GMO food a drug? Is it deadly? It is a topic of national security in China, and certain officials are likening it to opium. Are Monsanto and DuPont dumping food drug "products" on China? That scientific debate has been hijacked and no "John Smith" may ever be allowed to talk about anything scientific. The social goons of the planet need to just eat the mutant food and shut up, right? Wrong. Speak up. Be heard. March against Monsanto and expose the GM nightmare for all those who have no clue. Do not play "genetic roulette." This is the war on food. Fight or be defeated; it's a simple choice. Learn more:

What do you really want, health insurance or health? The Health Ranger Mike Adams wants to know

  Let’s start off by asking about prevention and cure before we start talking about coverage, anyway. See, the whole mindset is for Americans to worry whether or not certain conditions will be covered and will they be able to see their doctor “of choice.” Worry, worry, worry and pay, pay, pay. That’s politics. But the evolutionary person, someone who invites change as it relates to development, intelligence, kindness, progression, they want to actually prevent disease and disorder, and learn how to cure yourself of it, not prolong it, mask it, and add to it. There is a cumulative effect of bad food and bad medicine and now all healthy people are being asked to pay for it while the rest carelessly wait for Western Medicine to “treat” their major health problems, without even asking why NOONE is talking about natural medicine, organic food, Superfoods and botanicals.   BALANCING THE USA HEALTH “BUDGET”   The conversation across every network and “affi...

CRPS - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - could the real cause be chem-trails, fluoride, mercury and aspartame?

  U.S. allopathic doctors love their “regular clients” – their repeat offenders – their patients that schedule their next visit on the way out the door from the current one. Most doctors who can scribble out some pharmacist recognizable pseudo-prescription on a piece of paper after looking down your throat and listening to your heart, those professionals make $300 - $500,000 a year without blinking an eye. They are visited by different pharmaceutical reps, who carry lots of new and “improved” goodies, and they go play golf and go yachting to talk about the best selling drugs. And now, just like Fibromyalgia, but multiply that by 10, we’ve got some CRPS, a syndrome that just debilitates you and nobody can seem to figure out why. It’s like the cure for cancer, let’s all march for CRPS and wonder why people who consume toxins all day are getting sick.   Yes, it’s true that some people are born into very unhealthy environments, and either fail to make a change or do...

Ahh, Sweet (Nerve Damaging) Milk for kids, how noble of America and the FDA!

Some people share research that shows aspartame is the “excrement” of e-coli, the feces of it, and this might explain the central nervous system disorders so many kids in America suffer from when they eat artificial sweeteners, especially this one. Some sources say that 75% of the health complaints about food agents pertain to Aspartame and the adverse conditions experienced from regular use of it. Millions of children in schools across the USA are taught, also, from a very young age, that milk is good for you (not raw organic either) and that it helps build strong bones because it’s full of calcium! Yes, you’ve heard it before. But conventional milk comes from CAFO cows that are constantly injected with hormones to produce more milk than natural, and this in turn gives them udder infections, which gets in the milk. This bacteria must be “dealt with” regularly, so the cows are shot up with antibiotics, and that breeds Superbugs. None of this is labeled on conventional mi...