You have complete control over the success or failure of companies who don’t care about your health. You have complete control as a consumer. You can choose NOT to buy anything made or processed by a company who makes money off your slow death. If someone came up to your and handed you a toxic drink and told you to take a few sips of it every day and they would pay you $20 a day, would you do it? Guess what, you probably already are. GMO food is unlabeled in USA , but in most other countries of the world it’s labeled. You may have heard about the California ballot to vote to label GMO, called Proposition 37. This was California ’s way to lead the country to label all GMO food, but it didn’t pass. Why, Big Corporations paid millions to snuff the vote, to lie, to deceive voters, to confuse them, to hide the truth. But there’s a different “vote” you cast every day, no matter what STATE you live in. You vote when you buy food and products. Yes, every single thing you ...
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