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Showing posts from July 13, 2014

Stop Smoking Naturally! An exclusive Natural News inside look at the Nutrition Secret

  What is your sum total of body toxins right now? Can you measure it? You can measure it with common sense and some basic information about nutrients in food - and whether there are ANY in the food you eat. You can measure your toxicity by looking at the most common elements in what you drink and put on your skin. And of course, you can measure your toxicity by how you feel. So how do you feel right now?   There actually is a sum total of how you feel. If you eat too much food you feel like a blob. If you consume some toxins like bacteria-laden chicken or pork, and you throw up for a few days straight, all you want is for your nausea to GO AWAY, and nothing else seems to matter until it does.   There's a sum-total feeling also when you accomplish something, or share something great, or save someone from their own ill fate. This is not about a fleeting moment or some slice-of-life commercial, this is about feeling good all day, every day.   W...

Natural Health News discovers the Fountain of Youth!

  What if you knew the secret to the fountain of youth? What if you found it, even though you're already 30, or 50, or 70, or 90 years old? What if the fountain of youth just means that you feel young, energetic and lively, all the time? What if you felt excited, even when you were doing absolutely nothing, but eating the right food and drinking the right drinks? These are legitimate questions you might consider right now. Natural News Journalists and Reporters are seeking the truth about the fountain of youth. It's time to tune in and take part. This is exciting.   Certified Organic is great, but not perfect. What you want is perfect food. You want food and water that is free from pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and algaecides. You want food and water that is free from bleach, fluoride, and heavy metal toxins like lead, cadmium, tungsten, arsenic and mercury. You also cannot consume or inject any medication that comes from a laboratory, where m...

The collapse of America is imminent - Natural News Tracker inside story

  Yes, GMO, chemical medicine, toxic tap water and superbugs - the collapse of America is imminent - but the Health Ranger has good news anyway! It's true; GMO food is rapidly becoming the main diet of millions of Americans. They will get cancer from the pesticides and herbicides, it's just a matter of when. Politicians refuse to remove fluoride from tap water, and it "trickles down" to the masses, giving them bone cancer and depleting their nutrients. It lowers IQ, especially in children. We are becoming zombies with cell phones for texting other zombies. Nuclear waste is destroying the oceans and the agriculture where we import most of our products and seafood from. It's spreading fast. The world will forever remember Fukushima as being 20 times that of a nuclear bomb from some war. People are just trying to make "ends meet" all the while, not preparing for ANYTHING, because CNN says everything is under control! Fox News reads the same script ...